Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, today again I call all of you to open your hearts to My flame of Love and let My Flame of Love act always and more in you.
Time has matured, that means there is no more time to waste with indecision or rambling. It is necessary to act quickly, because My adversary will now concentrate his attacks against the elect to cause even them to lose the salvation of their souls and faith in God and Me.
Do not believe any. in any lie that is told to you changing the Dogmas of the Catholic Faith.
Stay faithful, faithful to the dogmas of the faith, faithful to My Rosary, faithful to the true devotion to Me.
Now will be the moment when you will try to destroy and annihilate definitively the Devotion to Me in order to make room in the Church for ecumenism, which will generate the great spiritual confusion that will lead many and many souls to lose the Catholic Faith and condemn themselves.
With this terrible plan it is planned to destroy the true Church of My Son and create a false one with the appearance of truth. For this reason, you who have your eyes and your clear sight illuminated by the truth, by My Flame of Love, by the Rosary that during all these years I have asked you to pray Here. Enlightened by My Messages that made you know and discern the truth from the lie. You stand firm as long as all the world falls into falsehood.
Continue to announce My Messages of Love to the whole world and stand faithful to this My invincible fortress of prayer, faith, and love that My little son Marcos has raised for Me Here.
Yes, those who remain faithful in this fortress of love will not lose faith. The Eternal Father is already truly tired of so many offenses he receives daily and wants to give course to his Justice. I have held his arm, but I will not be able to hold it for long if you do not pray anymore, do not obey My Messages and do not do the prayer groups I asked for.
Go all the way with my Pilgrim MTA's doing the prayer cenacles, so that a great force of prayer and intercession may arise from the earth.
I want you to understand My children that many were called, but few remained faithful to Me. That is why My Heart suffers, that is why I cry, that is why My Heart even here experienced the pain of being pierced by the sword of betrayal of many, of abandonment of many and rejection of many.
You, at least, be faithful children and work intensely for My Triumph on Earth by spreading My Messages, sacrificing yourselves for Me, doing the prayer groups and cenacles that I ask for Me. And above all, every day renounce your carnal desires and desires and surrender your bodies to Me, placing them at My service instead of seeking the comforts and pleasures of life.Thus your bodies will be holy and so will your hearts.
Give Me your bodies and you will also be giving Me your heart. This is what I want and this is why I suffer because most of My children do not want to give Me their bodies and even less their hearts.
Give Me your bodies and hearts so that through you I can manifest the power of My Flame of Love to convert and save so many of My children!
It is the time of the great final war, arm yourselves for battle, meditate on My Messages, read the books of My Messages that My son Marcos made and offered to you. Pray all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you to strengthen your souls, to give your souls strong food. For now the battle will come, and those who have feet of clay and their houses on the sand, that is, those who do not have a firm, enlightened and strong faith will fall in the great storm.
I have been coming to warn the world for 26 years now, but they do not listen to me. I had to see with great pain the loss of many who could save themselves but did not want to save themselves. And how many today who do not want to save themselves, I give My Messages, I call to salvation, but do not want, they want worldly pleasures.
That is why My Heart is only pain and that is why abundant tears fall from My eyes, there is no longer a container in the world that can contain My Tears. How many. who go along the path of perdition laughing at My Son and taking advantage of His silence, but the hour will come when He will make the thunder heard, the noise and make fire fall from Heaven. Then it will be We who will laugh. who will laugh at a proud, overbearing, daring and insolent humanity that thought it could declare God's death and live without God as if He did not exist.
If you, My children, do not want to be in the number of these madmen, convert, open their eyes and live the true life, the life in God that I offer you here.
The door of Mercy will now begin to be closed, enter while you still can, pray My Rosary every day and spread My Apparitions urgently at Casanova Staffora and also at La Codosera and Ezquioga. So that in this way, truly My heart may triumph in this world of sin and I may form a holy people to receive My son who returns in Glory.
To all I bless with love now and ask you to pray the Meditated Rosary 299 for eight consecutive days and spread it so that everyone prays it too.
I bless you with love from Lourdes, La Codosera and Jacareí".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers, I, Gerard, come again from Heaven to say to you: Be ardent flames of love, even if you are small like a candle. But be ardent flames living continually burning in the love of God, making more and more fervent and burning prayers each day, making spiritual reading.
And above all, try at every moment to say no to what your flesh wants, to say yes to the promptings of the Holy Spirit who so often calls you to the Rosary, to prayer, and you suffocate His calls, seeking more mundane and sinful things.
Be like the little Shepherds of Fatima, like Saint Bernadette who went into the deepest part of Massabiele's Grotto and prayed so many endless Rosaries to which only the sound of the waters of the River Gave kept company. Seek silence, seek the recollection of prayer where the soul enjoys peace, happiness, joy. Where it finds the meaning of its creation, of its birth, of its life on earth and sees that on earth nothing is more important than not aspiring, seeking heaven and saving one's poor soul.
In this way you too will be imitating Me and little by little you will develop within yourself the inner life of the soul, the life of union, the spirituality that must now be stronger and deeper than ever. Otherwise you will not be able to withstand the contrary winds and the great spiritual confusion that will settle in the whole world.
Stay faithful to the Rosary of the Mother of God, for those who remain faithful to it will not perish.
Here you have an invincible fortress of faith, prayer and love made by the Mother of God in union with Our Most Beloved Marcos, give thanks to God for this, because if you were not here you would be lost.
And stand firm in this invincible fortress of prayer, being yourselves ardent faith sentinels of holiness and prayer who are continually watching over, so that the enemy does not invade this fortress, does not destroy this fortress. And also, as brave soldiers who go to the fight to take from the enemy the land he has taken, which he has conquered.
In this way you will truly give God great glory and show that you are true children of Mary Immaculate.
I want you to pray for four consecutive days my Rosary nº 4 meditating on those Messages. I promise that at the end of those four days I will give special blessings to all those who do.
I bless you with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".
(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, come from Heaven once again today to tell you: Open your hearts to the love of God who is great for you.
God sent His Mother here and came Himself to show you how great His Love is and to give you all the greatest and last graces in the history of humanity.
Correspond with love to this great Love and be holy, give to God as I do, your bodies and you will also give your heart, give your life to Him and you will find this life in eternal life waiting for you.
Do not be afraid of losing your lives in the service of God and the Mother of God, for this is earning life, it is earning eternal life.
I promise to help you in the service of the Lord and His Mother and I want all of you to truly give your 'yes' every moment and every day to the Love that has chosen you. Many were called, but few were those who loved this great Love that chose and called you. Many were chosen by the Mother of God Here, but few were those who chose her.
Choose the Mother of God so that one day you will not be chosen by hell. Because all those who do not choose the Mother of God will one day hear those terrible words from God: 'Enter hell!
My brothers and sisters, choose this great Love that has chosen you, because it will give you the great grace of eternal life and then you will be eternally happy like me in Heaven and so together we will praise God with the Angels forever.
Yes, Mary wants a love of truth and not of appearance. She wants a 'yes', a giving and a total giving, of truth and not just appearance.
Cultivate in your hearts this true love and give it to her, for it is this love that saves and transforms you into true children of God, the Mother of God and heirs of Paradise.
I bless you all with the love of Syracuse, Catania and Jacari.
I love you all very much and I am always close to you".