Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, today again, I invite all of you to open your hearts to God's Love.
I am the Virgin of the Poor, today, when you contemplate my apparition to my little daughter Mariette Beco in Belgium, where I came with this title, I call all of you to open your hearts truly and widely to God's Love!
I am the Virgin of the Poor! From what poor? Of the poor in spirit!
I appeared in Banneux first to enrich with the gift of faith my little daughter Mariette whom I loved so much and then also the members of her family. And through Mariette to enrich with the treasure of faith all My children, who with the passage of time sought Me out and sought Me out in Banneux.
The poor in spirit are those who are not attached to the things of this world. neither to the honors, nor to the glories, nor to the vanities of this world. They are the poor in spirit of God, of Yahweh, those who hunger and thirst to know Him, hunger and thirst for justice, for holiness.
It is to these My children that I have come to enrich. That is why in Banneux I converted so many indifferent sinners who no longer prayed, who no longer loved God and who had long been distant from God like the father of my little daughter Mariette.
That is why, in Banneux truly, I made so many of My children who sought Me and were enriched by Me with the light of faith, the treasure of faith, and the true love of God.
I appeared in Banneux to reveal to the world my great maternal love. So I appeared to relieve My children who were suffering, but especially to heal and save My sick children from the soul.
That is why I gave My Miraculous Source in Banneux to heal the body of My children and especially the soul of those who were sick in sin.
My Appearance at Banneux is therefore a sign of My great love for all My children and of My great desire to help them, to relieve them, to console them and to save them.
You must believe more in this My Love! You must open yourselves more to this Love and allow My Flame of Love to enter your hearts to bring about in them the great conversion.
What I said in Banneux and Beauraing I repeat to you again: Believe in Me and I will believe in you, that is, open your hearts to Me, let My Love enter into your hearts, do what I say in My Messages, and then, I will accomplish grace in your lives.
Do you love Me? Then, make sacrifices for Me, live this true love. May this love in your lives be manifested in deeds, not in words. May it be manifested by deeds, by attitudes of love and sacrifice for Me and not just by an apparent love. of appearance.
In Banneux and in Beauraing I asked for this love because I had had enough of the love of appearance. Men loved Me only in appearance, but when I gave them Messages as I did at Fatima, La Salette and elsewhere, they did not obey Me.
I am already exhausted from the love of appearance! I want the love of works, I want real love, I want the true love of daily attitudes of love and sacrifice for Me, of giving for Me.
Live this true love My children, because whoever does not live this true love will not enter My Kingdom, the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, this Triumph is near. I will come, I will come with luminous clouds over heaven and I will give a great flash, and in that flash My children will receive My flame of Love and many will understand My Messages. They will understand what I want, they will see that it was true that I appeared in many places on Earth and called My children. And many will then be converted and saved. For these there will be hope, but for many who have now hardened their hearts so much that they have become completely insensitive to any ray of light from my heart, and dead to God, dead to grace, for those who have sinned it will be too late, my children, too late.
So open your hearts now to my love, so that at that glorious moment when the Holy Spirit will descend with my Flame of Love at the Second Pentecost, your hearts can be purified by that flame, burned by that flame and illuminated by that flame until they become living reflections of my pure Heart.
Get ready! For truly it is time for combat.
Now the forces of darkness united will work hard to put their plans into execution and make God's name, My name and the true faith, the Catholic faith, disappear from the face of the earth.
Fight with the Rosary the invincible weapon I gave them! Fight with the Holy Hours and Rosaries that I gave you! Fight with My Messages, with the Medals and Scapulars that I gave you My children!
You have here the Hours of Prayer that My little son Marcos recorded and made for you. You have these Tear Rosaries, these Rosaries, Thirteen and Seventh Anniversary. You have invincible weapons and besides I have Here, in this place, an invincible fortress of love, faith and prayer, this invincible fortress was also placed in your homes, thanks to the tireless work of My little son Marcos who recorded these prayers and gave them to you.
This invincible fortress is also in your homes, in your families, use it, put it into practice in your families, make your families become invincible fortresses of faith and prayer also by praying the recorded prayers that My little son Marcos gave you!!
So, My children, not only here, but also in your homes, I will have My invincible fortress. And then, the preaching of the heralds of the Antichrist cannot destroy the faith of you and your families. And so, in you the true faith will endure until My Son returns, until My Triumph, and then when the Son of Man returns, he will still find the true faith on earth.
Now Satan will relentlessly persecute God's elect to make them lose their salvation and faith. Beat him with the engraved prayers that My little son Marcos gave you, this is the invincible weapon of victory, use it and you will win.
Everyone who despises this invincible weapon of salvation is already lost. That is why My children use the weapons I gave you Here, the invincible weapons of victory and put these weapons in the hands of all My children too. That is, these Meditated Rosaries, these Hours of Prayer, because everyone who makes them will not lose faith, will be saved and will become a great saint in Heaven.
Today more than ever I wish that you continue praying My Rosary and that you also pray for five consecutive days the Rosary of My Blood Tears 21.
Pray it My children, so that you can truly understand My Sorrow, the reason for My Tears and receive in your hearts My burning flame of Love.
To all I bless with love from Banneux, Beauraing and Jacareí".