Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, today I want to call all of you once again to meditate more on the great grace that the heavenly Father gave you with my apparition here.
You are not grateful enough to God for my presence, why don't you meditate on the great grace that God gave you. It was a great love that chose you, it was a great love that called you here, it was the love of God and My love.
And how often have you paid this great love with disobedience, laziness and bad will by hurting the heart of the Father in Heaven and my Heart. Therefore, little children, renew in your hearts the flame of gratitude for God and for Me, for this great grace, the grace of My Apparitions Here to which I called and to which I chose you to know My Messages and thus enter the road of salvation.
In this way your hearts will grow every day more in gratitude to the Lord and also to Me, the Mother of Heaven and your hearts will desire ever more to love us and pay our love with works of love.
Make more reparation to my apparitions, especially those of Fatima and also Casanova Staffora. These two Apparitions call for reparation because the world did not obey the Messages I gave in these places.
I desire that you make these apparitions known to all My children. Meet with My children to present to them these films that My little son Marcos makes and pass on to them these films so that they may pass on to others.
Also My children, deliver these films of My apparitions from house to house so that My children may know My messages as soon as possible, be converted and be saved.
Not so long ago, time has matured, the wheat is ripe and there is no one to harvest it, that is, humanity has grown a lot, the nations are filled with human beings, the harvest is great, the harvest is ripe and there is no one to harvest the wheat for the Lord.
The means of communication are only used to spread bad things, indecent and immoral things, or to spread stupid and banal things. That is not why My Son gave man the intelligence and the means to invent the media.
My Son gave man the wisdom to invent those means to spread My Messages to convert My children. If the means of communication are not used for this, they only serve the devil and not Me.
Use the media for Me, to help Me save My children and to bring them closer to God.
Go, speak and do everything! Spread My word by all means so that my children may be converted and saved.
Unfortunately the sect taking advantage of the laziness and also the apostasy of the bad shepherds took the lead and invented many means of spreading sin and rebellion against God throughout the world through the media.
While the bad pastors of the church slept the sect worked and managed to lead most of humanity to rebellion against God, to atheism, making it insensitive, indifferent and rebellious to all that is about God and Me. And the bad shepherds when much did means of communication to spread communism, the theology of liberation and errors that led the souls of many of My children to the loss of true faith.
Now you, My children, who are faithful to Me, fight and spread My words by all means, because it is the last hope of humanity.
Keep doing the Cenacles everywhere because only these Cenacles can still save a small remnant for My Son Jesus who is coming back soon in Glory.
Pray My Rosary every day, the Rosary of Tears and all the Holy Hours that I have given you here, because through them I make your hearts grow in true love for God and for Me.
Open your hearts to the true love for Me, trying every day to do something new, something more for Me, so that your hearts may expand and I may pour My flame of love into them.
Continue to pray the acts of love that have been taught here to you so that they may warm your hearts and ignite them more and more from My flame of Love expanding them to a great capacity to love God, Me and the salvation of souls.
Read and meditate on My Messages, they are the light of your eyes, they are the salt of your soul, they are truly the fertilizer of the earth of your soul.
Whoever fertilizes his soul with My Messages every day will bear much fruit. Whoever does not fertilize and fertilize the earth of your soul with My Messages will die.
Pray, meditate on My Messages and expand your hearts to My Flame of Love that in this year that belongs to Me I want to pour ever more on you.
To all I bless with love and especially to you my beloved son Marcos who always gives so much joy to my Heart with these wonderful Rosaries and Rosaries that you have made and recorded for me.
Yes, to each account of these Rosaries, to each Hail Mary a sword of pain is taken from my Heart. Yes, son, you console My Heart very much and also your spiritual father, My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus whom I love with all My Heart.
Each Cenacle he makes for Me dries a thousand tears that men pull out of My eyes and draws a thousand thorns from My Heart. May he continue always and steadfastly, always forward because through him I will save that beloved land of Bahia, just as through you my son saved and will save Brazil, I have saved Brazil from so many evils that threatened him and will save the whole world.
I bless you all with love from Fatima, Pontmain and Jacareí".