Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): Dear children, today I invite you all again to perfect love for God.
"Have the true love for God that is made of works of perfect love, live My Messages that teach you the way to Heaven, for it was with great love that I came to give them.
My Heart is in great pain because many of My children do not welcome My Messages with love.
If I had given so many Messages Here there are so few who listen to Me, welcome Me and obey Me imagine if I had not given so many Messages. That is why My Heart still seeks souls to answer Me yes.
Live My Messages and continue to spread My maternal calls given mainly at Bonate, at Casanova Staffora, at Fatima and also here. So that My children all over the world may know My Love, live My Love and thus triumph throughout the world My flame of Love.
To all I bless with love now from Fatima, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(St. Irene): "Dear brothers, I, Irene, rejoice that today I come from heaven with the Mother of God to bless you once again.
Dear brothers like I love each one of you, like I protect and keep each one. Live the true love for God, a love that translates into sacrifices for God.
If you love God, if you love the Mother of God, every day you will sacrifice yourselves for them. In this way you will know those who truly love God and His Mother and those who do not love them.
Those who love you accept any sacrifice for them to please you, to serve you, to obey you and also to give them contentment and satisfaction.
May your love be deeds of love, less words, more deeds of love, more meditation, more silence. And above all, renounce worldly things and everything that alienates your souls from the love of God and the Mother of God".
Do as I am to be energetic in renouncing all that impedes the action of the Flame of Love of the Mother of God in your hearts. When you put these obstacles to the love of her and the Lord out of your hearts.
When you also learn to say no to your own will then the love of God and His Mother will triumph in you.
I desire that you pray for nine days in a row like a novena, the Hour of Saints #28. Pray it so that you, my dear brothers, may grow more and more in the true holiness that God expects and wants from you".