Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 14, 2017
Good Friday

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you contemplate my greatest pain beside my son Jesus on the way to Calvary and then on Calvary, on his crucifixion and death, I come again to tell you:
I am the Lady of Sorrows, I am the Lady who still cries and suffers today because my son Jesus continues to be crucified again. This time for so many My children who even after they have known Him, despise Him, betray Him, abandon Him, exchange Him for worldly pleasures and the things of this world that lead so many souls to perdition.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still suffers because My son Jesus is crucified again by so many who seek only the pleasures, the amusements, the comforts of this life without caring about their own salvation and the salvation of others.
For so many who live a truly pagan life, without prayer, without faithfulness to God's commandments and without seeking to love Him, praise Him and serve Him faithfully every day.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still sees My son Jesus being crowned with thorns by the pride of the human being, who does not recognize his sin, who does not bend before the authority of God, His Law of Love, and prefers to live in rebellion against Him by fighting against Him and leading others to rebel against Him as well.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still sees my son Jesus being scourged for every sin of every man, especially those of consecrated souls, who knowing my son Jesus, His Love, having received so many special graces from Him and so many helps to be saints and to love Him, prefer the world, prefer the pleasures.
And because of this they are lost taking with them so many souls who also did not let themselves in the door of salvation and dragged behind them into the abyss of perdition.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still sees this poor humanity totally fallen and dominated by sin, totally dominated by the forces of evil, by Satan, who spread violence, impurity, immorality, adultery, vices and all sins that now truly transform the earth into a great tomb of darkness and death.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still sees My son Jesus crucified again today by all those who deny Him, who deny His divinity, who deny the truth known as such and spread the errors of atheism, materialism, atheistic modernism, communism and so many other things, doctrines coming out of hell to lead souls to perdition.
How great is your destruction, how great is the calamity of your souls My children! But just as the Mother of Heaven stood beside her son Jesus on the way to Calvary to help him, to support him, to accompany him, I am also beside you now.
In those bad times in which you live, when the forces of evil seem to triumph I again appear on your way to Calvary to tell you that you are not alone. I am with you! My Heart is the refuge I have prepared for each of you.
May each one of My children who still sees the truth, who sees the calamitous state in which the world, souls and the church find themselves.
May those of My children who still have light, who still want good, who still want the triumph of the Heart of Jesus in the world, the triumph of truth. May these My children all come to the refuge of My Immaculate Heart, for here I will give strength and encouragement to all as I gave to My son Jesus.
May My apostles not grow weary of fighting for a better world, may they not grow weary of fighting for the conversion and salvation of souls. May they all come to my Immaculate Heart, for to all my apostles I will give encouragement, strength, light, consolation and love.
May all My children who also bear the heavy cross of sickness or suffering come to My Immaculate Heart. And here for all I will also give relief, consolation, comfort and love. I am the sorrowful Mother who still sees so many young people today losing themselves in impurity, prostitution, drugs, becoming themselves living tombs that harbor so much darkness of death and sin.
Bring to these My children My messages and My love so that they may be converted and saved by My Flame of Love, which calls, loves and wants to save all My children.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who still today sees how Jesus is denied by so many of those who call themselves his followers and disciples, children of God and is betrayed by so many of his priests, bishops and souls consecrated to him who, like Judas, betray him for the pleasures and goods of this world.
Oh, My children, comfort My great sorrow by praying the Rosary every day, making the cenacles and prayer groups everywhere, spreading My Messages so that the souls of My children may truly see the light of salvation that comes down from heaven abundantly With Me Here to enlighten the whole world.
Bring to My children the knowledge of My maternal Love so that they can then feel My love, live My Love. And so, through My love to know, feel and live the love of God who sent Me here to save all My children and lead them safely down the road of peace, holiness, salvation and love.
Give Me your hearts today and your 'yes' then you will give Me and Jesus the greatest possible consolation that you could give Us. It is your hearts that we want, it is your life that we want, it is your love that we want. Give it to Us and you will have given Us the greatest consolation of all. Then you will despise Jesus from the cross and he will live and reign in you as he always lived and reigned in me.
And then the power of the flame of love of Our Two United Hearts will be unleashed by changing the whole world into a great garden of holiness and love.
To all I bless with love today and especially you Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of My servants, of My children. And I also bless you, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, you have consoled Me so much with the cenacles, with the prayers, never stop, always go forward, without fear, because many souls will be saved by Me through you little son.
And do not fear the little pains that I sometimes allow you. This is all to increase your merit and your value before God, because it is suffering that purifies and gives value to souls.
The more you suffer for God and for Me the more your soul will be worth before Us. And that is why you should not be afraid, go ahead, because every cenacle you make you draw many swords of pain from My Immaculate Heart, take off My Cloak of Sorrow and put back on the white Cloak of joy, glory and Love.
I love you very much and I thank you for the consolation that you have given me every day with your prayers. Go ahead, I am with you and I will never leave you.
Go ahead also My little son Marcos, go ahead fulfilling your mission, like a locomotive passing over everything and don't stop or get discouraged because of anything and nobody. Finish the race that you started little lack and soon you will receive the crown and the trophy of victory of My true combatant, soldier and valiant vassal.
To you, to My slaves of love and to all My children I bless with Love from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari.
I wish that next month you will pray to Thirteen #4, that you too will pray to Setena #2 again.
And that you truly pray next month ten times for ten days in a row the Meditated Rosary 251, to further console Me and make My Messages known and loved.
Give twelve films of My Appearance in Quito, Ecuador to My little daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres for twelve people, to make My Appearance better known, loved and obeyed by all.
Thus My Heart and My Flame of Love will begin to triumph.