Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Holy Saturday

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you contemplate the Sabbath of my great sorrow and my great loneliness, when I was left without my son. still weeping, remembering all the torments of His terrible Passion and at the same time praying in expectation of His glorious resurrection, I come again to tell you: The great holy Sabbath of the last times in which you live now is about to end.
Yes, now you have been living on a great Holy Saturday that precedes the great glorious manifestation of My son Jesus with His return to renew all things and to establish in the world His Kingdom of Love.
While you are living on this great Holy Saturday, for now, sin, death seem to triumph. Violence has spread throughout the earth, immorality, dishonesty, corruption of customs and morals, apostasy, the loss of true faith, the advance of false satanic ideologies: communism, Protestantism, spiritism, modernism, atheism now seem to reduce humanity to a decomposing dead body.
But soon My son Jesus will blow the trumpets of His Angels and He will suddenly descend from Heaven in a great luminous cloud to renew Heaven and Earth and to finally transform it into the loving kingdom of Our Hearts.
To you My children, now I ask only prayer, trust and perseverance on the path I have shown you. For this holy Sabbath of sin, of perdition, of corruption of customs and also of sufferings and tribulations for you, is about to end soon. And soon the dawn of your resurrection will dawn. That is, of your victory over all that Satan does in this world today to lead him to perdition and all that he does also to torment the life of My children, the life of God's children and make them suffer to tire them and discourage them and make them lose the crown of eternal life.
Perseverance My children! Persevere in the path of prayer, love and holiness that I have asked of you here, so that you may soon participate in the great glorious resurrection of all this lost and as if dead humanity. And as if by enchantment, by miracle, it will rise to become the new humanity renewed and realized in God.
Then the world will be the garden of grace, glory and holiness of the Most Holy Trinity where men will finally live and fulfill that for which they were created. They will live the purpose of their creation: to love, serve and adore God.
This great Holy Saturday, which since my apparition in Fatima has extended throughout this century, is about to end. And here at last, I will finish My plans begun at Fatima leading all of humanity and all of you to this glorious and great resurrection that will finally transform all of you into the perfect reflection of the holiness, perfection and beauty of the Blessed Trinity who created you for His greatest adoration, praise and love.
For the time being, this great Holy Saturday should still remain for a while. And that is why my Immaculate Heart continues to suffer even today, because many of my children die spiritually every day in sin without anyone doing anything for the salvation of my children.
This great pain of mine, My children, increases day by day, that is why I have shown you the sign of My pain making tears come down even from blood in many images of Me all over the world. And also in this one that is here, to show you how great my pain is. How great is My affliction to see that every hour I lose more and more children who fall into sin and are lost.
This is why my Immaculate Heart is so comforted by my little son Marcos, by all that he does for me and by me. And that is also why my Immaculate Heart feels so comforted by all that my son Carlos Thaddeus does for me, all the cenacles, the prayers, the sacrifices, his tiredness of each day to take me always further, always to more children who do not yet know me.
Oh, how beautiful it is to see those My little children blossoming into true love for Me, embracing and kissing My miraculous pilgrim Image with such love. I feel these kisses, these hugs, these caresses of My children. And it dries many painful tears that I shed, consoles My Heart and fills Me with joy.
And all this My children give Me, all this love they give Me because this My beloved son, sparing no effort, no suffering and no measuring distances, takes Me ever further to all My children.
Yes, how beautiful it is to see those My children praying so many Rosaries with Him, singing like true little children crying out to the Mother of Heaven, giving themselves to the Mother of Heaven, entrusting themselves to the Mother of Heaven with love, faith, gratitude, kindness and a true thirst to know and love Me.
Yes, there I am truly consoled and there I am truly loved first of all by my son Carlos Thaddeus and then by all those dear children who pray so lovingly to me following his example, direction and command, who is the captain I placed there to lead my army.
Yes, there I am consoled and there I am truly not the Sorrowful Mother, I am the Joyful Mother who is always loved, loved and listened to by My children.
And to you all, little children, I ask the same thing that you comfort My Heart by listening to My Messages with love, doing what I say with love, giving Me your hearts with love. And seeking in everything to follow the guidance of the captain that I gave you here my little son Marcos, who shows you the safe path that you must follow.
In this way, you will take the swords of sorrow from My Heart, you will truly take My sorrow from My painful Mother and you will truly give Me the crown of a joyful Mother who is always loved, obeyed and loved by all of Her children.
Pray very much My children, pray for the youth that is lost in sin. Many young people have been lost through their own fault, it is true, but many others have been lost because their parents did not create them for the purpose for which, and for which God gave them life, which is to love, adore and serve Him.
Many parents did not raise their children to love, adore and serve God, but they raised them for worldly things. Bad manners are much worse than no education at all. That is why my children, many young people have been lost because their parents did not know how to educate and guide them to God.
So pray for these young people who are lost in vices, who are lost in sins. I suffer for them, because among them there were many who would be good religious, who would be good fathers and mothers who would give many Saints to God and to Me, to make humanity better.
And those good religious, those good family fathers destroyed themselves, spoiled themselves, lost themselves because their parents did not know how to create them for God, to be conformed to God's will.
Pray for them My children, that I may yet save them by a miracle of the merciful love of My Heart.
Yes, I am the Sorrowful Mother who still sees this poor youth lost in sin today. But I will save these youth with a miracle of the merciful love of My Heart if you pray My Rosary and make the cenacles, My prayer groups everywhere. I will save many young people and I will transform them into great saints for God's greater glory and victory.
I wish that you My children pray this month of April four times in a row the traditional Rosary of the Holy Spirit, contemplating the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and asking for these Gifts. I want to give you these gifts, increasing in you wisdom, the fear of God, piety, science, advice, fortitude, making you truly powerful instruments for the salvation of many souls.
Pray this Rosary that my little son Marcos recorded for you with the Messages of the Holy Spirit, so I will burn you with the Holy Spirit's own fire of love and enlarge your hearts to pour even more into them My living flame of Love.
I bless you all...I bless you my beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus. Today on Holy Saturday, when I was weeping for the loss, the death of my son Jesus, you were my comforting angel. Yes, I saw you all day and all night at my oratory. I saw the cenacles, the prayers, the love, the affection, the faithfulness, the obedience you would have for Me, and My bloody tears immediately became golden tears, luminous tears because your faithfulness, your love for Me consoled My painful Heart.
Yes, and even John, my beloved disciple, when he entered my room, also had the grace to see you in that vision I had, to know you and love you. He was also entrusted by Me to pray for you, to intercede for you, and to be your protector and lawyer.
For your vocation is to be, even in your state of life, to be my John, my comforting John, my loving John who goes with me wherever I go who leads me to my children, who cares for me, who cares for my interests, who cares for the salvation of my children, who cares for my glory.
Yes, you are My little John and because of this John and I are always with you, we are always by your side protecting you, supporting you, guarding you and blessing you.
You can't imagine how much consolation you gave to My Sorrowful Heart on Holy Saturday. Yes, My Tears of Gold were of joy, of consolation for your future love.
It remains so that My consoler and he who transforms My Tears of Blood that I still shed today, into Tears of Gold pure of joy, joy and love.
To you, my little son Marcos, the most obedient of my children, my servants and all my beloved children, I bless with love from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari.
(Marcos): "Dear Mama from heaven, please touch these two habits that two of your children will receive tomorrow by becoming your postulants. And can you also touch these Rosaries for your beloved son Carlos Thaddeus and also the scapulars and rosaries we made for your children?
Thank you".
(St. Irene): "Beloved Brother Carlos Tadeu, I, Irene, am very happy for your presence here today. I have long hoped that you would come on a day when I too would appear here.
I love you very much, My name means peace, and as you must carry the Message of conversion, the prayer of the Mother of God who brings peace to all people, I am also your protector and I must help in your mission of carrying these Messages, the cenacles of prayer everywhere, so that the peace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary may reign everywhere.
Every 5th of every month I will do something very big, very special for you: I will diminish a month of fire in the purgatory of any family member of your choice.
Yes, and on the 5th of each month I will also give you a special blessing and I will pour over you copiously the graces of the merits of my Martyrdom.
I love you very much and I always cover you with My mantle of light and love to defend you from all evil. Call Me always, whenever you need Me and I will immediately come to help you, comfort you and bless you.
Go in peace, I Irene, servant of the Lord and Messenger of Peace will go with you everywhere blessing every home you go".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama. See you soon dear Saint Gabriel. See you soon dear Saint Irene".