Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Easter Sunday

(Sacred Heart): Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, rejoice to come today on the day of my Resurrection, of my victory over sin and death to bless you once again with my Mother and my servant Bernadette of Lourdes.
I have conquered death, I have conquered death by My death on the cross and by My death on the cross, by the merits of My Passion you too can conquer death in your lives. All sin can be conquered by you because it has already been conquered by Me on the cross.
And if you truly believe in Me, believe in My Word, keep My Word, and remain united to Me by the love, the filial and perfect love you must have for My Father in Heaven and also for Me. For I am in the Father the Father is in me, and just as the Father has loved you I have loved you.
Yes, if you have this perfect love, then, truly united to Me you will be able to overcome everything, overcome every and every sin in your life.
Come, therefore, to Me you who are weary and downcast under the weight of your sins, and I will relieve you. Because I am meek and humble of heart and have the strength for all, I have the grace that will give you victory over all sin and all evil in your life.
I have conquered death! I have conquered death and opened the gates of heaven for you and in this work my Blessed Mother has collaborated with me and that is why today my Mother reigns, triumphs with me. And whoever believes in Me, whoever loves My Mother and who comes to Me for My Mother, I will not cast out the other way around; I will clothe him with My grace and make him victorious like Me over the death of sin in the soul, over sin itself, over the evil that is in the world.
I have conquered death and that is why in my Sacred Heart you can find all the goods, all the graces and all the strength you need to be saints.
Come to My Sacred Heart that groans and cries with longing for you. Come to Me, for here in this Divine Heart I will shelter you all, I will love you with My own grace and glory. And then you will be able to overcome all sin and all evil in your lives, and you will even overcome sin and evil in the lives of your brothers.
My Sacred Heart faint for longing for you My children! Come to Me, for I can no longer live without you.
I run your search with my Mother. I have travelled the whole world with My Mother appearing in many places and calling many of Our children. But they are deserted and don't care about Us for anything.
Yes, Our Hearts that have loved men so much have been paid over and over with contempt and ingratitude. Ah, My children! I can forgive My contempt and ingratitude to Me, but I will not forgive My mother for her contempt and ingratitude.
Woe to that man who pierced My Mother's Heart with his contempt, with his disobedience to Her, it would be better if he had not been born. Those who make My Mother suffer and who despise My Mother's Messages are already doomed.
Take care not to be of the number of these wretched My children, for otherwise My Hand will truly reach you and also reach the hand of My Father. And if it is already terrible to fall into My hands imagine how it will not be terrible to fall into the hands of My Father, the Righteous, Holy and Vengeful God.
Yes, beware that you are the number of them, rather be like John, loving with my Mother, be like our Fatima Shepherds totally loving and obedient with my Mother.
Be like my servant Bernadette, completely obedient, faithful and docile to my Mother. Be like my little son Marcos, always faithful, always firm, always obedient even under the cross, even shedding tears throughout her life, but always faithful to my Mother.
Imitate these children whom I gave as suns, stars, as lighthouses, as lamps for the world: Our little Shepherds of Fatima, my daughter Bernadette and also my little son Marcos are lamps, they are lamps that I lit for the Church and for humanity in these times of dense and great darkness that obscures all things.
Violence explodes from all sides, families live a pagan life completely far from Me and offending Me every day. Children are victims of their own parents who educate them no longer to Me but to the world by turning them into true pagans and atheists.
Therefore, many young people get lost in vices, sin, worldly things, pleasures, thus becoming victims of their own parents and victims of this society that denies them the truth, denies them the knowledge of God and denies them My love that could save them.
Ah, My children who count harshly the parents will have to give to Me and to My Father for not having created their children for Me, for not having guided their children to Me, they have played with the sacrament of marriage by looking at it and taking it only as a source of enjoying life and pleasures.
Ah no! It is much more than that, it is meant to bring all humanity, all youth, all children, all generations to know Me, love Me and give Me glory.
Yes, severe accounts will have to give to Me those parents who have not guided their children to Me. And those who can still guide their children will have to guide them because My return is imminent and I will ask for an account of all the children I have entrusted to you to guide them to Me and who have been lost because of you.
Oh, My children, My Heart wants to help you! As I see the ruin, the calamity in which this humanity and your families find themselves, I come to help you with My Mother.
My Mother and I are here to save to help you. So take the medicines that My Mother and I brought to you and offer you here: the holy Rosary, the penance, the Rosary, Thirteen, Setena, the Hours of Prayer.
Finally, take these remedies and apply them to yourself and your families, so that then you can be saved before it is too late.
My Sacred Heart from Paray-Le-Monial asked all of humanity through My little daughter Margaret Mary Alacoque more love for My Heart, I displease, comfort this Heart that loves men so much, but for them is only paid with ingratitude, contempt, indifference and sins.
Ah my children! My message continues to be current and alive, comfort My Heart by finally giving Me the filial love, the true love that I desire of you here and that My Mother also taught and asked of you here in My name.
It is the love that We want! I don't care what defects you have. I can consume them in an instant like straw thrown into the fire, what I want is love, the defects I burn all in the flame of love of My Heart and of My Mother.
I want love, because love covers up a multitude of defects, love elevates, love purifies, love saves, love satisfies My Heart. In a word: love is everything, love redeems, love renews, love makes life live.
Therefore, give Me love so that I may live in you and you may live in Me. I did not say always remain without defects, but I said remain in Me. If you remain in Me, in My love your faults I will burn them faster than straw burnt in fire.
Ah little children, fear not! My Heart is here, I am with you, I love you. It is I who have loved you and called you here. I only want love from you, give me love, give love to my Mother and then there will be nothing else to give me and you will have given me everything.
I desire that you pray the Hour of my Sacred Heart no. 33 for nine days in a row still this month of April, so that you may know better my great love for you and the ocean of tenderness that is my Divine Heart for all of you.
To all I lovingly bless and especially to you Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of the servants of my Mother and my Sacred Heart. I bless My slaves of love, especially My two sons who today have become postulants of the Order that I founded with My Mother in the Tabernacle in the Church where My Mother first appeared to you.
Yes, today I see my will and the Divine dream of my Heart, of giving my Blessed Mother a company of saints, of brave soldiers to fight for her and for the triumph of her Heart and my Heart in all humanity with my beloved son Marcos, realized once again.
To My slaves of love and also to you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I gave to My son Marcos to be the perfect image of My Father, to be for him a manifestation of My Father's love and affection and also of My own affection, the affection of My divine Heart.
To you who are my comfort too, my hope, to you who are the joy of my Heart crowned with thorns for the sins of the world. You who are My Mother's comforter, My living gift of love that I created to give joy, taste, honor and glory to My Mother.
I lovingly bless you and everyone from Paray-le-Monial, Dozule and Jacareí".
(Blessed Mary): "My children, I am the joyful Mother of the Resurrection, I am the Lady of Glory, I am the victorious Corridor of humanity!
I am the victorious Corridor of humanity and today on the day of the resurrection of my son Jesus with Him I also defeated the devil, sin and death by opening for all of you with my son the doors of Paradise closed by Adam and Eve. Repairing the sin of Our first parents and at the same time opening for you the new life of grace, the new law of love for the salvation of all humanity.
I am the Victorious Corridor of humanity, because with my sufferings united to those of my divine son on Calvary and throughout my life I have collaborated effectively with my son in the work of your redemption. And in Me and in My son God already recreates all things.
Eve the first woman ruined herself by loving herself more than God by despising what God had told her, what God had forbidden her to do.
In Me the woman is recreated, in Me the whole creation is recreated and in Me in My Immaculate purity, in My glory, in My immaculate light of holiness and power all humanity is recreated and reborn to love, serve and glorify its Creator with Christ Jesus, in Christ Jesus and through Christ Jesus.
Yes, I am the Victorious Corridor of humanity and in Me the Holy Trinity finally finds the greatest and most perfect correspondence to His love, the full docility to His commands, the perfect obedience that was denied Him by Our first disobedient parents.
Finally in Me and in My risen son the Holy Trinity receives all the glory, all the adoration, all the correspondence and all the satisfaction that it has always hoped to receive from the human race, but never received because it was distant and disconnected from its Creator by sin.
In Me and in My son Jesus today begins the new Law of Grace, the new creation of God. That is why I am the Victorious Corridor of humanity and in Me every sinner can be reborn to God's grace.
In Me sinners find all the grace they need to also become new creatures to love, glorify, praise and adore God.
Come, therefore, to Me sinners, my little children and I, your Victorious Corridor, will give you all the graces so that you too may become new creatures to give with Christ and with Me to the Father all honor, all glory, all praise, all love and all adoration.
I am the Victorious Corridor of humanity and in Me in My victory with My son Jesus today, Satan the proud enemy of the Lord and Mine is finally humiliated, crushed and defeated.
The enemy is already defeated and already knows and knows that he is reduced to eternal slavery, to eternal torment. And in Me the victory of the Lord is already assured and also assured is the victory of all My children who remain united to My son Jesus and to Me by the bonds of true and perfect love.
In Me you will already be able to contemplate humanity liberated from all evil, friend of God, united with God and sharer in His eternal happiness and glory. In My risen son you can already contemplate humanity perfectly liberated from all evil, victorious from sin, from hell, from death and perfectly sharing in the full communion and glory of God.
Therefore, little children, today on the day of my great victory with my son, I call all of you to unite more closely with me by expanding your hearts to my Flame of Love and letting this Flame grow in your hearts to fullness. So that the brightness, glory and victory of My son Jesus and My victory may shine in each one of you and make the glory of My Most Holy Trinity shine in the whole world overcoming darkness and establishing in the world the kingdom of love, grace, peace, salvation.
It is sin that prevents the victory of My son and My victory from manifesting itself in you. Be converted, leave the sin and the victory of the risen Christ and My victory will shine in you and in you this victory will be reflected in all My children who are still in the darkness of sin and also in them will finally shine the glory of the victory of the risen Jesus and also My victory.
I love you all! Yes, I love you all and I keep you all in my cloak with love.
Pray this month of April for 6 days in a row the Meditated Rosary that you prayed today made by My little son Marcos for you. So that you can grow more in the knowledge of God's prayer and in the knowledge of My Glories.
And so, make My glory shine in the whole world as My son Marcos has done.
To all I bless with Love and ask you to continue praying My Rosary every day.
I bless My slaves of love, My little son Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of My children and also to you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus My comforter and cause of joy of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless Fatima, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(St. Bernadette): "Beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, today I bless you with love, I come on the day of my Feast, the day of my birth into Heaven, of my earthly death to tell you: I love you, I love you with a love without limits.
I love you with a love without limits and therefore I keep you, protect you, defend you, and always deliver you from all evil. I also defend and defend all those who love you, all those who understand you and help you in the mission that the Immaculate One has entrusted to you: to be the spiritual father of our beloved Marcos. And also to be an instrument, a messenger, her spokesman in the beloved land of Bahia to lead all those children that the Mother of God loves so much and I too to conversion, salvation and finally to perfect union in glory with God.
I love you with boundless love and for this reason every day I offer to the Most Holy Trinity the merits of all that I have suffered on earth, of all my pains, persecutions, illnesses, slanders, everything. To bring new graces of the Most Holy Trinity to you, to you, so that you may truly have a great degree of glory in Heaven because the heavenly dwelling has already been given to you by our beloved Marcos.
And at this point I want to tell you, beloved brother, how happy you are! I received from the Mother of God the promise of Heaven in the third Apparition at Massabielle's Grotto in Lourdes. She gave me this grace and I couldn't give it to anyone, I didn't even give it to my father and my mother.
You, however, received a son from the Mother of God and what a son! And the first thing this son did was to give you what the most precious thing anyone could give to another person: Heaven, eternal salvation. The greatest grace of all, that because all God's children pray, suffer, fight in this life for one day in Heaven to deserve to reach.
Yes, he gave you this salvation, this beautiful dwelling because he loves you so much. And in this you must see the great love of the Mother of God for you, because by giving you this child with a great flame of love for you, so she has shown how much she loves you, how much she honors you, how much she loves you, how much she wants you, how precious and valuable you are for her.
Yes, of all human beings you are the one after the Seers who can say the happiest of all men on earth, because the Blessed Virgin has loved no one after the Seers like you, like you.
Therefore, beloved brother, rejoice in joy and thank the Mother of God and the Lord who have looked upon you with so much love, mercy, benevolence and also affection, love without limits.
And it is with this love that I have loved you, I love you without limits, and for this I will continue to shower great and copious graces on you.
Continue reading the book Imitation of Mary, Imitation of Christ, and also try to read My life so that you can know Me and imitate Me better even if only for five minutes a day, as your tasks and obligations allow. And I promise that I will truly teach you and lead you in a short time to great holiness and perfection.
I love you with boundless love and I say to you beloved brother: Look neither to the right nor to the left nor back. Do as I do, look only at the Immaculate One, look only at her the Sun, the Star, the bright Moon that the Lord gave you to lead you and guide you.
Love the Immaculate without limits, imitate Me in this, because the more you love the Immaculate the more you will love Jesus blessed fruit of her womb and the more Jesus will love you.
So I have won a great favor in the Heart of Jesus by loving the Immaculate One very much and because of this Jesus loved Me very much.
Go and always repeat to everyone that the Messages of the Mother of God are the repeated Gospel, remembered by the Mother of God. They are the eternal truths remembered by Her and that My life as well as that of the Little Shepherds of Fatima are the Message of prayer and penance like that of the Gospel translated into works, so that everyone can see, understand and practice.
In this way you will help perfectly and effectively all Our brothers and sisters to reach salvation.
I love you with boundless love and because of this My beloved brother, whenever you pray My Rosary I will come to you and put on you a green mystical mantle of My protection and also of spiritual graces from the source of the Shrine of Lourdes.
You will receive these graces from a distance as if you were there drinking from the Fountain of Lourdes, the fountain that is the figure of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, source of grace.
And these graces, beloved brother, will also be granted through you spiritually to all those who receive you with the Pilgrim Mother in their homes.
Therefore, I want you to extend your hands to the people in each cenacle and transmit with a brief prayer the spiritual graces of the Fountain of Lourdes, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and I promise that at that moment many blessings will be poured out on all.
To all I lovingly bless and especially you whom I love without limits from Lourdes, Nevers and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Beloved Mother of Heaven, our Lord and St. Bernadette can you touch these rosaries that we have made for your children?
Yes, I understood, only three. Yes.
See you soon, my Lord and my God. See you soon, my Mother, my love. See you soon dear Saint Bernadette, love of my heart, love of heaven. Come back soon, yes?
Ah! the day after tomorrow, yes! I will tell him".