Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all to open your hearts more to My Flame of Love prayed my Rosary more. And above all, by doing more the exercise of dying more for yourselves.
You are still very attached to your 'I' and to what you want. Give up all this every day so that you can truly cleanse your heart, vacate it and make room for My Flame of Love in it.
This dying to yourself you must do every day even in the smallest things and read more the life of the Saints, for in it is the wisdom of God for you.
Spread My Message of Fatima more. The Centennial of my apparitions at Fatima that is coming is a call for all of you, not only to meditate more on what I have said to my little Shepherds. But also many more of My children who do not yet know the Message of Fatima can know it, live it, be converted by it and also come to salvation.
My Tears in so many places are the sign of My great sadness at seeing My children's deafness to My Messages of Love. Their hardness of heart in the face of so many apparitions of mine that I have made all over the world to save them, in vain.
My Tears are the sign of My great sadness because the great Punishment is approaching and is already at the doors.
To all I bless with Love of Fatima, of Montichiari and of Jacareí".