Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 7, 2017
Message of the Sacred Heart

(Marcos): Yes, I will, I will.
I will do my mommy, I will do it. I'm so glad you liked them!
Can I do more by recording on them the Messages that you gave to my Father Carlos Thaddeus?
Yes, thank you.
I wanted to ask the Lady about St. Celso who came last Sunday. The one who came last Sunday is different from the one I saw again. The one I saw again was younger and smaller and this one was a little older and gave me the impression of being about 23 or 24 years old.
Is it the same or was it another?
Ah! So then you said that it was a surprise and that for a long time he wanted to come, that he was my new friend!
And why has no one ever said anything about him?
Ah yes, I understood. Yes, I am very happy! Thank you".
(Sacred Heart): "Dear children and brothers My, I, Jesus, the Sacred Heart, rejoice to come today on the 7th Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions of My Mother and My Sacred Heart Here to bless you today and to say to you: Great is the love of My Eternal Father for you, for He has chosen you to be here in this sacred place that We ourselves have chosen to be the throne and source of Our graces for you.
Great is My Eternal Father's love for you, for He has given you life, given you existence called you into existence, and thus made you members of His great family through baptism. He brought you out of nothing and into existence, that you might know Him, love Me, know and love My Spirit, and be partakers of Our eternal happiness and glory in Heaven.
Great is the love of My Eternal Father for you, because even when the human being betrayed Our Love, he sinned against Us My Father sent Me to give His life for you on the cross, to redeem you, to save you, and to open the doors of Heaven for you.
Great is My Eternal Father's love for you, because even after I had returned to His bosom in Heaven, He together with Me sent Our Holy Spirit to comfort you, strengthen you, enlighten you and sanctify you. And so, may your strength, your life and your light always be.
Great is the love of my Eternal Father for you, because he sent my Most Holy Mother here to reveal his love to you, to bring you out of the way of sin, of death, or else of ignorance of him and his love. And here to form you, to nourish you, to teach you, and to make you true children of Him, true My brothers, true heirs of Heaven.
Yes, great is the love of the Father and great is also the love of My Sacred Heart for you My children and My brothers. Oh, how much I love you! I do not look, I do not look at the immense wounds that you have already caused Me with your sins, but I look only at the desire to love Me, to be faithful to Me and to truly correspond to My Grace.
For one act of true love for Me I forget years and years of offenses, ingratitude and sins. And I am even willing to do crazy things for the soul that returns to Me with love.
I want you to understand that I am Love and all I want from you is love. Give Me love, to sweeten My Heart which is thirsty for love.
I want a pure love, I want a love without a mixture of human interests or desires, I want a docile, malleable and obedient love that lets itself be led, that lets itself be transformed by Me completely. In other words, I want a soul completely given to My love.
Do not be afraid to experience My Love, because all the Saints who have experienced it have been happy, happy forever with Me and with My Mother in Heaven! Experience My Love, experience My Mother's Love and you will see how truly I will transform your life into a Heaven already here on Earth. I am not saying that you will have no sufferings, because not even My Mother and I were spared from it.
But you will have Our grace, which will comfort you, strengthen you and give you strength and light to go forward. Yes, I will be with you, give me love, give me souls, give me hearts, give me your life. And let me truly imprint upon her the sign of my grace and love, performing in you wonders for the salvation of many souls, including yours, your soul, and the souls of your families.
Then truly My Heart will work wonders here in Brazil and in the world and finally triumph with My Most Holy Mother.
Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, My Sacred Heart is happy to see you here today with Me and with My Mother. You cannot imagine the joy you give to my Heart and my Mother's Heart coming here and being here.
Yes, today in this Cenacle we weep with joy and forgive a multitude of sins because of your love. Love erases, covers up a multitude of sins. Your love erases countless sins with which sinners offend us and then you achieve forgiveness and mercy for many, many souls on earth.
Beloved son of mine, I love you so much and will never deny you! I will grant you everything you ask for My bitter Passion.
You, you saw your mother's suffering when she was very sick and near death. Your heart suffered bitterly, because you saw her suffering so much and you had no way to cure her, how to free her from that great suffering.
You know, therefore, how much a son who sees his mother suffer and can do nothing. Then you can understand how much I suffered nailed to the Cross seeing My Mother there before Me, suffering so much and I could do nothing to free her from her pain and suffering. On the contrary, the greater My sufferings were, the greater were Her sorrows watching Me suffer.
This great suffering was offered out of love for the Father for the salvation of all mankind. You can understand then how much I suffered in that hour.
Therefore, my son, I will deny you nothing when you ask me for the merits of that pain on the cross when you see my Mother suffering without my being able to do anything to console and relieve her. Whatever you ask of Me for this My Pain that is the will of the Father I will grant you.
Yes, my son, at that moment when I was beset with the most griefs in body and soul you were the little drop of consolation from my bitter Heart. Because I saw you in these present times loving My Mother, consoling My Mother, and then My Heart could die in peace, for I was sure that all My sufferings and my sorrows in the future would raise up a true apostle and son of My Mother.
For this reason, because of the pain I suffered at that time and at the same time for the consolation you gave Me everything, I will grant you to ask Me for this My Sorrow on the Cross.
This for the immense love I have for you, for the immense affection I have for you. And to do true wonders and thus confirm the mission that My Mother gave you to confirm that Her word given to you here is certain, sacred and holy and must be respected if you do not want to face My Punishments.
And so, truly everyone will see that it was She who sent you to speak to the nations together with my little son Marcos and to prepare the world for my Second Coming and the Triumph of my Mother.
Yes, I will do these graces to confirm all that you say in all the Messages of my Mother and mine that you spread. And to confirm also that we want you together with our little son Marcos preparing souls and the world to receive Me in glory and thus establish in the world the Kingdom of our United Sacred Hearts.
Yes, my son, go ahead and fear nothing, fear nothing, because truly in the end Our Hearts will triumph through you, through Our little son Marcos Thaddeus.
Thank you for the consolation you gave to my suffering Heart and to my Mother's Heart, upon you now descends the abundance of my divine blessings and also upon all of you My children, continue praying the Rosary of Meditated Mercy every day.
I desire that you give 10 children Our 10 Rosaries of Mercy #51, 10 Rosaries of Mercy # 52, 10 Rosaries of Mercy # 53,10 Rosaries of Mercy # 54.
It is necessary that Our children know these meditations and Messages as soon as possible in order to answer 'yes' to Our call of love.
To you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus and to all of you I now bless you from Paray le Monial of Dozule de Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, when you celebrate here another monthly Anniversary of my Apparitions, I come once again to tell you: I am the Queen and the Messenger of Peace! I am the Mother of God, I am the Queen of the Most Sacred Rosary.
To everyone who prays my Rosary I will grant the grace of perseverance in God's love, in virtues and good works and eternal salvation.
The soul who prays My Rosary is saved with certainty, the soul who despises My Rosary is thrown into hell without the help of demons. A single Rosary prayed with love erases many years of sins, because it obtains from God the grace of contrition to the one who prays it and contrition leads the soul to ask forgiveness, forgiveness leads to conversion and conversion leads to salvation.
Yes, when you pray the Rosary My children, a shower of mercy falls from heaven on the whole world filling and flooding it with the waters of God's grace. Many sinners are touched, converted, repent, ask God's forgiveness, seek reconciliation and return to the arms of the Father.
And you who pray My Rosary for the conversion of sinners by converting the souls of your brothers and sisters, predestine the souls of yourselves to Paradise.
Keep praying My Rosary every day and don't be afraid of anything, because in the end My Heart will triumph and you will know an era of happiness and lasting peace over the whole earth.
You are in the last half hour of God's day. There is no more time to waste! You can no longer be paralyzed where you are.
You must work harder now to save the souls of your brothers and sisters who can still be saved and in this way you will fill your hands and hearts with fruit, with merits so that you can enter Heaven.
Work, therefore My children, because Satan does not rest for one minute, he persecutes souls, provokes temptations in souls to renounce God's love, disobey Him, despise Him and thus seek to enjoy the pleasures of the world that are mortal to the souls who seek them.
Pray, pray a lot because only through prayer will you be able to remain always firm and faithful to God's grace.
Do not be afraid, because I will always be with you and everyone who watches and prays can be sure of the protection and friendship of the Mother of Jesus who is Me.
Be converted without delay, the Warning is very near and so is Punishment.
Ah, My children, like the men who despised My Messages will be truly distressed when they hear the sound of trumpets announcing that the Lord will finally manifest His Justice and then His Glory.
Yes, as they hear those trumpets, as they hear the sound of the wind, the roar of the sea, and the roar of the earth in continuous convulsions, men will fall like dead flies to the ground their faces will be yellowish and often pale as they see the great and fearful day of the Lord coming.
And on the other hand how bright and radiant with joy will be the faces of all My children who have obeyed My Messages.
As they hear the signs foretelling the coming of the Lord and the Triumph of your heavenly Mother, they will truly rejoice, they will sing with joy and they will feel an enormous, great inner joy.
They will not be afraid because at that moment they will be visibly assisted by the Angels and they will not be afraid of anything because nothing will affect them.
Oh, as in that moment, those who obeyed Me, who prayed My Rosary will exult and will truly shine with the most beautiful light that I will emanate from My Immaculate Heart. And they will shine like precious jewels in the eyes of the Father and the Holy Angels.
Therefore, little children, continue on the path that I have indicated to you.
The luminous figure, my figure that I made reflect in the eyes of my son Marcos last Sunday and that my beloved daughter Rafaela confirmed for you to be Mine. It is the sign I give you that I have truly been here for 26 years loving you and fighting for you.
And that all those who obey Me now in the end will be rewarded and truly crowned by My son Jesus in Heaven as incessant flames of love and his most beloved and blessed children.
Thank you, beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, for having come today once again to comfort Me, your presence here has filled me with great joy and has truly drawn many swords of pain from My suffering and aching heart.
Thank you little son, because every time you come here my Heart has the wounds that my ungrateful sons make in it closed. In those moments I do not cry, I do not suffer, no pain haunts My Heart, the doors of hell are closed, those of Heaven are opened and many graces rain, pass through it to flood the whole world and convert sinners.
Thank you My son, because every time you come here My Immaculate Heart exults in joy, the tears come down from My eyes, but they are golden tears of light, of joy, because truly at this moment I am consoled. My Heart has its wounds closed, healed by you with the balm of His Love and truly at that moment I the Queen of the Rosary and the Mother of Jesus bless the world for your love.
Continue My children praying My Rosary every day, give 5 Rosaries nº 256 to 5 of My children and give 8 Rosaries of the Flame of Love nº 7 and 8 Rosaries of the Flame of Love nº 8 to My children. May they pray these Rosaries, that they may through them know Me, love Me and finally receive My Flame of Love.
To all with love I now bless Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".
Beloved son Carlos Tadeu, this is my special message just for you:
My Son, how much joy you give to my Immaculate Heart, every day that passes I love you more. Fear nothing because my Immaculate Heart will triumph in your life and through you in the lives of all my children, in that beloved land of Ibitira and in the cities around me.
Don't be afraid I care for you, My Immaculate Heart is continually turned toward you and realizes all your pains, all your afflictions, all the anguishes of your heart. I am alive, your prayers are coming to very lively ears, to a very lively heart that continuously watches over you.
Yes son of mine, before you even get up in the morning I am already far ahead of you covering your path, the daily path you must walk with many, many blessings. And behind you come your Protecting Saints, your Guardian Angel and My Angels of Light who protect you, who guard you and who never abandon you.
Therefore, you should fear nothing, sometimes I have to allow some suffering or some boredom to happen, because this is for your sanctification and to fulfill secret designs of the Lord. But, be sure the more you suffer on this earth the greater the degree of glory you will have in Heaven and the greater the number of souls of your lineage and also of unknown people you will save.
So do not be afraid, I know very well what I allow and what I do not allow to happen to you. Know that my gaze is always fixed on you, I know all your thoughts, I know everything that goes in your heart even before you tell me.
I want you to tell Me everything in prayer, however, because this is a sign of trust, love and faith of the son's soul towards Me.
I want you to always speak to Me as a little child telling Me everything and never imagining that you bore Me doing it. Because, you can't imagine the great joy Gives Me by telling Me everything about you, everything about your life.
At that moment with sweet trust of intimacy with You I forget all My problems, that is, My ungrateful children who never stop offending God, despising My Love and going on the path of perdition.
I forget their offenses and at that moment I feel happy to have a son who loves Me, who speaks to Me with love, who trusts Me and who is always more docile and dependent on Me.
Yes little child, always do this to give Me joy, to give Me contentment.
I want you to continue spreading the Rosary of My Tears this July and I also want you to spread the Rosary of My Immaculate Conception with my life engraved on it. So that My children may know My life and fall in love with Me and together with you walk in the school of the true imitation of My person, of the imitation of Mary.
Son, listen attentively, listen to my advice and you will be wise. Never go in the way of the worldly, don't look at them, don't even think about what they do. Always think about the Saints and always follow their examples, imitate all those who are already longer than you on the path of virtue. Because by doing so you will please the Lord and will attract the Lord's benevolent looks to you.
Sanctify always more your time doing good works for the glory of God, for the salvation of souls.
The Lord, the Eternal Father is very pleased with you. Be aware that on the last day 3 He wanted to allow a great punishment for a country in Asia that sins a lot and offends God a lot. But his faithfulness, his love, his prayers cancelled such a Punishment.
Look! Your life saves many souls that you know, but that in Heaven will recognize you and thank you. By loving the way I have taught you, by praying the way I have told you, you become a missionary of the world, you can save souls of the whole world from your home.
So more and more Satan is humiliated and overcome by you. In fact, I want to reveal to you that each Cenacle you make breaks the power of Satan a little more.
One day you will have done many Cenacles and so will my son Marcos, his power will also be completely broken and then my Immaculate Heart will shine with power. And then, finally, My Flame of Love will renew the whole world and I will be the winner of the battle against the infernal dragon.
And then, I, Mary the Messenger of Peace, the Lady of All Peoples, and the Corridor will bless the world, and my blessing will finally transform it into the Garden of Heaven already here on Earth.
My Son, never be discouraged, go ahead!
I also wish that you take 200 medals from My husband St. Joseph to give to My children who do not have these medals and if they do, they should take them to their friends and family who do not.
My husband Joseph wants to make great thanks through His Medal that you will give, so once again we will confirm that it was We who sent you to speak on Our behalf with Our son Marcos to the nations.
Go My son, My little Angel of love, My Benjamin will always be with you and I will never leave you.
Your Mother sends you to tell you that she is very happy with you. She also says that she asks your forgiveness for having once punished you when you were a child. At that moment she was nervous and ended up punishing you who didn't deserve it.
She tells you that she loves you with all her heart and that here in Heaven she prays together with the Angels and their holy protectors all the time for you.
Go ahead My Knight of the Rosary, go ahead with the son that I gave you, together with him you will be an invincible force of prayer, conversion and salvation of souls. And so, finally my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
My son, one day when I was in Egypt with my son Jesus and with my husband Joseph, a man who saw us saw that we were strangers and in his heart decided to call the authorities. They came to our poor house. My husband Joseph defended himself as he could by explaining that we were there in Egypt to escape a famine in Israel.
And then, those soldiers fortunately through My intercession, through the prayer of My son Jesus believed the word of My husband Joseph and left.
At that moment my husband Joseph did not lie, because we had truly escaped from the famine of love in Palestine.
Yes, back in Bethlehem we were not received with love, Herod denied us his love and persecuted us and apart from my cousin Elizabeth, Zechariah and a few holy souls, we received only indifference, contempt and ingratitude from other people. So we fled from that lack of love in the Holy Land and went to take refuge there in Egypt.
At that moment of great affliction, the Eternal Father showed us you in vision by making My Cenacles and with your prayers consoling My Immaculate Heart, consoling Joseph, consoling My son Jesus.
So we endured with patience that great humiliation and affliction by offering to the Eternal Father for you that suffering and for all those who would be saved through you, from the Cenacles you do for Me.
So, My son, rejoice because in that moment of great pain you were the drop of consolation, of encouragement to Our Three Sorrowful Hearts and for you we had the strength to offer that little martyrdom to the Father.
Rejoice, comforter of Our Hearts, because each breath of yours is a continuous act of love that goes up to Our Hearts, that closes Our wounds and puts in their place the most beautiful Mystical Roses of love and consolation.
To you I bless with love now from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother of Heaven, you and the Lord Jesus can touch these rosaries, crosses, paintings that we made for the protection of your children?
Yes, all right, just his? It's okay."