Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I truly call you all to prayer of love! Pray with love until prayer becomes joy and love in you to radiate My Flame of Love around you.
To pray the prayer of love, you must first:
- Empty your hearts of all attachment, affection for worldly things and also for creatures.
- Then open your hearts to Me, that is, to want My Flame of Love and to want to do My will with all the forces of your will and heart.
- Finally, to make many prayers of love, they can be acts of love, personal prayers of love or even the Rosary, but placing on each Hail Mary the accent, the proper sign of love, the desire of God, the desire of Me.
Then, truly your prayer will be a prayer of love that will make My Flame of Love grow in your hearts and Divine Love will lead you to become incessant flames of love for God and for Me.
Pray the prayer of Love, pray with love, trying every day to have more intimacy, union with God and with Me in prayer, increasing your desire to be with God, to be with Me, to be in My presence, to feel My love, to love Me, to comfort Me, to listen to Me, to obey Me and to be with Me warming Me with your prayer of love.
My children, every day my Immaculate Heart suffers because I draw close to my children but I only find in them coldness, hardness of heart and indifference, insensitivity to my love. Therefore, my Heart is wounded and frozen from the presence of these souls.
I need love to warm My Heart again and to heal the wounds of My painful heart. This love I seek in you, my children whom I love the most, the children whom I have called to be here in my apparition, in my invincible fortress of love and prayer, in my throne of grace and in my home.
It is in you that my Immaculate Heart seeks the prayer of love to warm itself again and thus to return to the beating of love for mankind and to pour graces upon humanity.
Oh, how it comforts My soul full of love for Me, burning with love for Me and warming My Heart with the warmth of your love.
Draw near to Me and her soul warms Me, her warmth warms My Heart, her heart with her love warms My Heart and melts the ice with which My children recover with their indifference, insensitivity and the contempt with which they treat Me.
Oh, how many souls despise Me, how many undo My love, denying Me their love, closing the door of their hearts, refusing to listen to My Messages, My voice, My word of love given here.
That is why I seek in the souls of My faithful children the prayer of love that warms My Heart, that heals the wounds of My Heart and makes it beat again quickly, and powerfully of love for the world by pouring on it My Flame of Love.
Be My children these burning flames of love that warm My Heart every day with the prayer of love that I have come here to teach you and I have come to search in you.
Be love, live of love, for love is God, God is love, and whoever lives of love and for love will live forever in God!
Continue praying My Rosary every day, pray placing in each Our Father, in each Hail Mary, in each prayer the desire of God, the desire of Me and seeking ever more to unite with Me by merging your wills with those of God and Mine. So that in this way our union may truly happen and we may be one in true love.
I love you all and I pray every day to My son Jesus for you, asking His forgiveness, His grace, and His Mercy for you. But, become My children because only half an hour of God's day remains for My son's glorious return.
Then it will be too late to repent at that time, it will be too late to have remorse, for you have not heard My voice of love, My word of love given here. For at that moment when the heavens and the earth will be shaken and simply disappear it will be too late to cry out for Me.
Convert now that I can help you, now that it is a time of grace, this wonderful time of grace has been given to you by a great act of God's love. And also for a great act of love and intervention from Me, for it was at My request and for love of Me that My son gave this time of Grace for your salvation.
Be converted without delay and pray, pray, pray that your hearts will not fall into lukewarmness.
Beloved and most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, thank you for staying here one more day. Thank you, my son, for the testimony you gave me today on my Radio Messenger of Peace.
Thank you, thank you for all the words you said exalting Me, glorifying Me, taking My Word, My love to so many thousands of My children who listened to Me at that hour.
Thank you My son, because you glorified Me so much and all the time that you spoke I cried, the wounds of My Heart were being closed and every word that came out of your mouth today took a thorn in My Heart.
During that moment the Holy Angels paralyzed many demons and touched many souls by converting them and making them in love with Our Lord.
For all of this, I thank you for the joy given to My Heart and the Heart of My son Marcos. I thank you and bless you generously. You are My knight, My most beloved son who together with My son Marcos will speak to the nations and proclaim the truth, My voice, My word of love to all men.
And then, My Heart will finally release with power His Flame of Love, My Flame of Love that has been dammed for so many years because there is no one who would want it, who would truly want to fight with Me, live with Me and for Me, suffer with Me and fight with Me to save the world.
And then souls will be converted, love and fall in love with the Lord, with Me, and finally I will proclaim My Triumph of the whole universe, saying, shouting: At last my Immaculate Heart has triumphed!
Forward, My Knight, fear nothing! My Heart will triumph, and you and my little son Marcos will triumph with me.
To you, who are my blessing of love, and to all my little children here present and those who listen to me from afar, I now bless Montichiari, Fatima and Jacareí".
(St. Gerard): "Beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, I Gerard, I rejoice in coming today with the Mother of God and our Queen.
I love you, I love you very much as I have already told you, I am always by your side to bless you and keep you.
Every 16th of every month I will come to teach you a little prayer, through your son Marcos, I will give you a private prayer that you will have to pray in order to become a great saint like me.
Through these prayers I will make you rise to a high degree of love for God and for Our Immaculate Queen and I will make you truly more like Me, thus becoming a true servant, angel and obedient son of the Immaculate.
Fear nothing because I am with you! Of every difficulty of yours I have knowledge and I take providence, even if often no one realizes it.
I am at your side always and he who wounds you will wound Me, he who offends you will offend Me, he who wounds you will hurt Me, he who does any harm to you will do it to Me. And I myself will execute the holy and just Justice of the wrath of God.
So as David's wife was punished for criticizing, for making her husband suffer with her words. So also, whoever attacks you, whoever denigrates you, whoever mocks you, whoever does any kind of offense to you, I will take as done to Myself and I will cry vengeance before the Lord for that soul.
That's why, beloved brother, don't fear anything, you have in Heaven an exclusive attorney of yours and that is during all the hours of the day taking care of you, taking care of your life and everything that is necessary for you.
Know that everything that is necessary for you I will get from the Lord and give you. Keep praying My Rosary whenever you can. From time to time pray it also in your Cenacles, so that the young people mainly know Me, love Me and want to give and dedicate their lives to God as I do, thus knowing the perfect joy that only those who give themselves totally to Her and live for Her, for Her and in Her.
I want you to know that when I was in the forest, where I retired to live as a hermit I was favored with many Apparitions of the Mother of God. And in these apparitions she spoke to me of a great servant of hers who would come in the future in the twentieth century and who would be chosen by herself, together with another privileged soul of hers, to carry out great and divine plans of love, save many souls and finally make the infernal empire broken and overthrown.
The Mother of God told me that I would not see this triumph of Her and the Lord over the enemy, but that in the 20th century this victory of Her would happen through these two servants.
And then one day asking My Divine Queen and Princess who these servants would be She revealed to Me the Names of you two: Marcos Thaddeus and Carlos Thaddeus. And she entrusted Me to offer the fast and especially the penance that I made, the sacrifice that I made by whipping Me into blood and offering this little sacrifice for you, so that you would be able to carry out the plan of the Mother of God and lead all souls, all nations to conversion and to Her great victory.
That is why, beloved brother, I prayed so much for you, many times I took the discipline, that is, the whip for love of you. You should fear nothing because I offered everything for you and your son and these sacrifices had great merit before God and the Mother of God.
So, rejoice because you have in heaven a great defender, you have in heaven a rich benefactor very full of merits, of gold coins to be able to buy for you any and every grace.
You must therefore feel happy!
Receive now my blessing and my loving embrace, My beloved brother.
"Pray, pray, pray! Why is the Mother of God telling you so much about TIBIEZA? Because She is the greatest enemy of Her Flame of Love. The soul who falls into lukewarmness will hardly be able to get out of it, except by a miracle of God.
So pray hard, expand your hearts to the Flame of Love of the Mother of God by doing something extra for her every day, whether in prayer, work, or sacrifice.
So that in this way you can truly be preserved from the TIBIETY that has always been known as: THE SILENT DEATH OF THE SOMMES.
To all I bless with love Materdomini, Muro Lucano and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Mother of Heaven, you, and St. Gerard and St. Raphael can have the goodness to touch these Rosaries, paintings that we made for the protection of your children?
Thank you".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said: Wherever these Rosaries or objects that I touched arrive, there I will be alive bearing abundant graces from the Lord.
My most beloved son Carlos Tadeu, these Rosaries of Tears that I gave you, you must give them to the families, to the houses where you go for the first time.
You should spread the Rosary of My Tears as you have been asked to do for My children throughout the year.
And to every soul who still does not know this strong prayer you should give this Rosary and together with the Rosary you should also give a record of this Meditated Rosary by My little son Marcos.
Thus, you will truly conquer many souls for Me and finally the Empire of My enemy in many souls will be overthrown.
Thank you, My Knight and My Apostle, with whom I can always count.
I want you to know that you also gave great joy and consolation to Me on the day you went to spread My Messages there in other cities.
Yes My son, truly My Heart was glad! For all this be blessed by the Lord and by Me.
See you tomorrow, good night".