Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, today, when you celebrate my Feast, my Apparition to my son Saint Simon Stock, I come once again from Heaven to tell you:
Use My Scapular of Mount Carmel with Love, those who use it all their lives and die with it will not know the eternal flames and will be freed by Me from Purgatory on the Saturday following the day of their death.
Use My Scapular of Mount Carmel with love, seeking also to live a holy life, so that then, the holiness of you united with the grace of My Scapular may lead you to those beautiful abodes that I prepare for you in Heaven and make you worthy to see God face to face in Heaven.
Use My Scapular of Mount Carmel with love, so that I may always accompany you everywhere and cover you with My Cloak, so that My enemy may not harm you nor lead you down the path of perdition.
Love God with pure love, with all the love of your hearts, with all your strength. Love is God, God is Love! And what He wants in My Apparitions Here is love!
I keep appearing here until today for so many years seeking love in the hearts of My children. May your prayers be prayers of love.
My children, make prayers of love, prayers asking for love, prayers wishing for love, prayers wishing for God with love, so that these prayers truly lead you to love God more with works, with 'yes', with your renunciation, to produce fruits of love for the Lord.
If your prayers do not lead to a greater desire for God, to a greater union with God, your prayers will be meaningless and worthless.
Therefore, pray making love prayers, desiring more and more my Flame of Love, to love God with it, to love me and to love souls with this love that my son Marcos spoke of, the supernatural love: AGAPE. The love that will truly lead you to be incessant flames of love.
Be love, live with love!
Be converted without delay because you are in the last half hour of God's day and those last minutes of that last half hour will pass faster, so that the whole universe will finally be liberated from My enemy's dominion and will know the summit of his liberation and total renewal.
Pray My Rosary My children, making the Rosary with love. May your Rosary be a Rosary of love, wishing more to God, desiring love and then giving the love that God asks in daily life, in sacrifice, in prayer, in service, in work, in all things.
Convert without delay, it is the last half hour of God's day and soon My children, it will sound My Hour, I will have to go and when I am My son will send the Great Punishment.
What prevents the Punishment from coming I am the one who is here in My Apparitions in Jacareí, but when I am gone and no longer come here every day, the one who holds the Punishment, that is, My Immaculate Heart, will be removed. And then, truly the Punishment will come.
Be converted without delay, live love, be true love.
To all I bless with love, from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí".
(St. Emilia): "Dear brothers, I, Emilia, come from heaven to tell you: Be love by renouncing every kind of worldly love, the passions, the pleasures that make human nature fall even lower than animals. And open your hearts to divine love, to supernatural love, so that this miserable world impoverished by sin may finally know supernatural love, the divine love that will renew everything and raise everything to the highest summit of holiness that humanity has ever known.
Be love by living love day by day, above all by giving God the answer of love that He asks of you every day, day by day and above all, at the hour of renunciation and at the hour of sacrifice.
Do not be hypocritical souls who pray the Rosary asking for a love that you deny God and your Mother when it is time to give yourself, when it is time to love. But be true souls, souls who really ask for love, want love and give love being souls of true and intense love.
Be love by seeking to put supernatural love in everything, so that then, even the smallest ones and in the eyes of insignificant men of every day, these actions will be supernatural.
That is, supernatural love gives them supernatural value, supernatural power with which you will be very pleased with the Lord and you will also gain many merits for yourself, for eternal life.
Be supernatural love by doing everything with supernatural love. So that then truly your life will be precious, valuable and rich in God's eyes and one day all of your wealth applied to souls will generate the conversion and salvation of many, many souls.
Pray the Rosary, the Rosary prayed with love is a very powerful way to achieve supernatural love.
I, Emilia, will be at your side to help you and to help you in this great and most important task in the life of every man.
I am not the same Emilia who has already appeared here, I come for the first time because I love my beloved Marcos very much, I love his Spiritual Father, Carlos Thaddeus very much, and because I love you all very much too.
I protect you, you don't know Me but I know you, I know everything that happens to you and I pray for you before the Lord.
I want to be your friend, call Me in everything you need from Me and I will come from Heaven to help you in the best way that the Lord will allow Me.
To all of you now and to my beloved and most beloved Marcos, I bless you with Love".
(Marcos): "Mama from Heaven, dear St. Gerard, St. Emilia, would you be so kind as to touch these Crosses and Rosaries that we have made for the protection of your children?