Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate the Anniversary of my First Apparition to my little daughter Saint Catarina Labouré, sitting in the chair. Giving my little daughter Catherine the great Prophecies that would happen in the world and in France, in the Church and in the Nations.
I come again to tell you: Pray, only with prayer can you stop the advance of evil and bad in the world and make good triumph.
Put the Rosary in your hands and pray with more love so that your prayers of love will transform the desert world of hate into a garden of love. Strive to make the prayer of love that is the only one that pleases and is valid before God.
Live the virtue of obedience to God, to this rebellious and enemy world against God that tells you to disobey God say, 'Yes, I will serve, I will obey God.
I am with you and I accompany you every day on this journey to heaven.
Pray my Rosary, be good, be faithful followers of God's Commandments and his duties, that is the perfection that pleases God.
To all I bless with love from Paris, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(St. Bernadette): "Most beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus, today, I, Bernadette of Lourdes, come once again from Heaven to bless you and to say to you: Serve the Immaculate as I have served with love, obedience and perseverance.
Serve the Immaculate One by offering her all your life as I have offered.
Serve the Immaculate, accepting with faith and courage all the crosses that come to you, as they came to Me. And offer everything to the Immaculate for the conversion of sinners, especially those most obstinate and hardened in sin.
Serve the Immaculate, living every day in love with Her, that is, doing everything with love and for love of Her, putting her first and foremost in your life, despising worldly things, leaving and renouncing everything that opposes Her. So that her life may truly be a reflection and a perfect echo of Mine, which was a life of love and service to the Immaculate.
Serve the Immaculate, trying every day to grow more in supernatural love, that is: the AGAPE LOVE for God and for Her, trying ever more to purify your heart from all kinds of human love or thought. So that you can truly have the supernatural, mystical and in pure transformation love, AGAPE, the flame of pure love of the Mother of God, to serve, obey and make known and loved the Immaculate.
Serve the Immaculate, in love and for love, every day opening your heart ever wider to her: through fervent prayers, ardent sacrifices, meditation, spiritual reading. And above all, by doing the daily exercise of dying ever more for yourself and thus living alone in the Immaculate and for the Immaculate.
Let it be known, dear brother of mine, that once when I was in the convent, I almost died because of the asthma that had strongly attacked my lungs giving me the beginnings of tuberculosis. Yes, I almost died.
That great suffering, that great pain I offered for you that I saw in mystical vision, in the future serving and loving the Immaculate with Our most beloved Marcos.
I offered those stabbing pains of My body, of My lungs, the suffocation, the blood that I then shed from My lungs and that made the doctors and everyone around Me already give Me as condemned to death.
I received the extreme anointing and by grace from the Immaculate One I did not die, but I survived. She wanted me to continue suffering and praying for the conversion of sinners. And also for you, my beloved brother, so that you could have all the graces and be suitable, worthy, capable, faithful to the great mission that she entrusts to you at her side, my beloved Marcos.
Know that I have suffered many times and offered everything for you, because I love you so much and because I want to help you serve the Immaculate Virgin as I served with my beloved Marcos. So that then, the Immaculate can triumph and save many, many souls.
So always count on Me because in Me you have a friend, a lawyer, an intercessor and a constant defender who will never, never leave you.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because for it you will have the flame of love of the Mother of God, to love with supernatural love, ÀGAPE and pure.
Love your son Marcos with AGAPE love as he loves you, so that together with him you can truly show the world what supernatural love is, AGAPE, heavenly love. And so, all souls want and desire to possess and feel this great love, live this great love and die burning in this holy love.
I bless you with the love of Nevers, Lourdes and Jacareí. Peace be in the peace of the Lord".