Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call all of you once again to live in God's grace, in love with God's commandments and also by giving the world a true example of holiness and correct morals.
In these times when morality and faith and love of God are despised by humanity, which has just sunk into the pantanal of immorality, lack of love of God and lack of fear of His Holy Law. I call you again to give a living and shining example of holiness and morality to the whole world.
Cultivate in your hearts a love for morality, a correct morality, because morality, My children, is also one of the pillars that sustain faith and love for God. The soul that loves God morally is upright and the soul that is morally upright certainly loves and obeys God. Because all human morality is derived from the Commandments of God and leads to God.
So you will give the world a shining example of holiness, perfection, justice in this world that every day sins more and more against the Virtue of Justice and even crushes this Virtue under its feet by practicing injustice and iniquity.
Pray the Rosary every day, because those who pray the Rosary will certainly grow in the perfection of holiness, of the fulfillment of God's Commandments and will have a correct moral.
Be converted without delay because it is the last half hour of God's day and those who do not become morally, spiritually perfect will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
To all I bless with love Fatima, Pellevoisin and Jacari".
(Marcos): "Dear Mama of Heaven, would you please touch these religious objects and the Rosaries we made for the protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries, crosses and religious objects arrives there I will be alive carrying the great and copious graces of the Lord and of my Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with love today once again and leave my peace".
(Marcos): "Yes, I will. I will also do Mama. See you soon".