Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
You cannot serve two masters! You cannot love me and sin at the same time

Marcos Tadeu: "Yes, I will." "Yes, Mama. Yes, I will." "Yes, I will."
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
"Dear children of mine, today my Sacred Heart rejoices again to see you here. I love you all! I want to save you all! Therefore, I ask for conversion again.
"I have converted your hearts to my Sacred Heart by letting go of worldly things and placing them in me. You cannot serve two masters! You cannot love me to sin at the same time, live in me and live in sin at the same time, because this reconciliation is impossible!
Therefore, decide again for me and for my Sacred Heart by living conversion, living holiness each day on the road that my Mother and I point out to you.
Continue praying the Rosary every day, through it I will save you.
I bless you all: from Dozulé, from Paray-le-Monial and from Jacareí".
Message of Our Lady
"Dear children, today, thank God again for the grace of my presence here. This grace is the greatest of all that has ever been given to this generation and to you. Do not spoil this great grace with your sins and the ill will of your hearts and do not frustrate my great effort to save you with my apparitions here.
That is why I ask you, little children, to renounce sin and choose once again the salvation and eternal life that God has commanded me to offer you here. And continue praying the Rosary every day, because through it I will unite you more and more with my son Jesus and with my Immaculate Heart.
Say no to everything that the world and the devil offer you, say no to your own will and you will escape from hell and save your souls.
I bless you all with love now: from Pontmain, Lourdes and Jacareí".
"Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, today is the day I give you a special message:
"Little son, listen! Mama loves you very much! I know how much you suffer and I am always by your side. Don't be afraid of anything. Just as I gave you victory in your city, I will give you other victories in other parts where you also suffer the pain of the cross.
I will give you the victory at the right time and in due time, while your sufferings serve the salvation of many souls, my son.
Do not be discouraged, because in the end all your sufferings and all your pains will be crowned with victory.
Be aware that when I was in Ephesus with my son John, there was a certain sorceress woman there who, advised by the evil spirits who spoke to her, planned to kill me by giving me a drink with deadly poison. At first, she was very charitable to me and my son John, and she continually visited me in my home and tried to serve me, so that she could deceive me and harm me.
She then offered me this mortal beverage, but sensing that something was wrong there, I prayed, I prayed a very high prayer to my son Jesus, and immediately a serpent came out of that drink that spread all over the floor evaporating into rolls of smoke. That evil woman was then unmasked, and she walked away from my house and returned to her own, where she again had contact with the spirits of hell.
She tried to kill me in other ways that I will reveal to you in due time, and on these occasions I experienced great suffering as I watched that soul trying to take the life and the life of my son John.
Yes, I offered that suffering for you, my son. So do not be afraid! Mama, Mama offered so many sufferings for you and therefore the merits of my pains and tears applied in your favor can reach all the graces that you ask for and that is the will of the Lord.
So ask me always! And everything that pleases my son will be granted to you or to others for whom you ask.
Today I give you 687 thanks for the merits of the Thousand Hail Marys that your son offered for you today. Yes, he offered for you with great love, and so, son, today I pour on you grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing.
Yes, go ahead, son! Do not be afraid, I am with you! Joy your heart, because I have given you a son in whom I have manifested luminous signs that not even in the most holy children on earth have I manifested, everything to prove to you how much I love you and how much I favor you, giving you the best of the best.
I gave you a son capable of even offering his life and sacrificing his health even for his enemies, to show you that I gave you as a son, I gave the one with the greatest capacity to love, with the greatest charity in the world!
So rejoice! Rejoice in your heart and exult in joy, because through him I will give you even more graces and make you happy.
Peace, my son, do not be afraid! I am with you always and I will never leave you".
MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY AFTER TAKING THE RELIGIOUS OBJECTS "As I have already said, wherever one of these thirds arrives, there I will be alive with the Angel Loriel and Liriel, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love now once again, that you may be happy, and I leave my peace".
Video of the complete Cenacle on the video platform of the Shrine of the Apparitions:
Youtube Apparition and Message Video: