Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Only the Rosary can restore peace, order and salvation to souls in the world

(Marcos Thaddeus) May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever.
"Dear children, today I call you all again to God's love and prayer.
"Love God with all the strength of your hearts and make yourself the motto of the saints:
"Better to die than to sin!
Many souls have lost their salvation and God's grace because they preferred sin. What I said in Akita happened for sure! The devil concentrated on religious souls and forced several consecrated souls, many of them, to leave the service of God falling into mortal sin.
What I said in La Salette also happened to the letter. The world is filled with confusion, the Church is in a terrible crisis! Nowhere is peace reigning. That is why I call you again to pray the Rosary, because only the Rosary can restore peace, order and the salvation of souls in the world. Only through the Rosary can we undo all the confusion, all the disorder and destruction, all the chaos that Satan has caused in humanity and we can again guide humanity along the path of salvation, love and peace.
Therefore, my children, go and pray my Rosary everywhere, in every home. Announce my messages to my children, for there is still a handful of time, a handful of sand left. You can still work, because there is still a small nesga of daylight.
Soon the night will fall and no one will work anymore, and the master of the harvest will come to give the payment to each one according to the works he has done and the punishment as well, according to the bad works each one has done.
So help me save my children, pray for Brazil, pray for so many nations that are about to fall under Satan's satanic iron scepter and a worldwide diabolical slavery. Only the Rosary can save the world now. So follow the example of my little son Marcos, pray many, many Rosaries, pray the Thousand Hail Marys and then you will see my miracles happening again in your lives and in the lives of so many of my children.
I bless you all with love, especially you, my little son Marcos.
You were happy with the result of the sign exam that my dear little daughter Rafaella did. Yes, that light in your chest is the light from my flame of love that I communicate directly to you from my heart. It is God himself who dwells in your soul, because you have always told the truth and live in the truth. You have always lived in God's love and grace, in his friendship and have never betrayed the Lord's friendship by preferring worldly things. That is why, my son, in you, in your person, in your work, in your sufferings, in your words, in everything you do and say, I manifest my powerful maternal light that will become stronger the greater the darkness swallows all things, involving all things. Blessed are those who look into the light of my flame of love in your heart and let themselves be enlightened and led by you, because they will not walk in the darkness of eternal death, but will walk in the light and have the perpetual light of eternal life.
I bless you too, my little son Carlos Thaddeus.
Rejoice in the examination of this sign, because as my son Marcos said well, he confirms to you that I truly gave you the best of the best, and I gave for my son a son in whom I manifested miraculous and luminous signs that not even in my most holy sons who have ever stepped upon the earth have I manifested. All this to prove you, to confirm you, how much I love you, how much I want you, how much I have enriched you and will enrich you as you let yourself be guided, guided and loved also the son I have given you, the son given by my own Immaculate Heart which is the greatest gift and the greatest grace I have given you in this life.
Cheer up your heart, because you have a treasure. Keep it! And don't let anyone take it from you, never lose it and you will be happy on earth and then, with the treasure I gave you, you will be happy eternally at my side in heaven.
Happy are those who understand the treasure you have here in the person and work of my son Marcos, in which I show ever more the power of my flame of love and my light that will blind Satan and produce the greatest triumph of my Immaculate Heart soon all over the Earth.
Yes, on the day of my Triumph the light of my flame of love united to this flame of love of my little son Marcos will shine with such intensity that it will paralyze all the demons, blind them, petrify them and cast them forever into hell from where they can never go out to harm the Earth.
This will then be the greatest triumph of my heart and also the greatest triumph of my son Marcos, and all generations will bless us forever.
I bless you all with love now: from Pontmain, Lourdes and Jacareí".
MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY AFTER TAKING THE RELIGIOUS OBJECTS "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries, images, arrives, I will be there alive taking with me the great graces of the Lord. With me will go the Angels Beriel and Benoriel, taking great graces from the Lord.
I bless you all again to be happy and leave my peace".
Video of the Apparition and Message on Youtube: