Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Penance! Penance! Penance!

(Marcos): "Forever be praised: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today, as you contemplate the anniversary of my Apparition and celebrate the anniversary of my first Apparition in Lourdes to my little daughter Bernadette, I call all of you again to prayer with your heart.
Only through prayer can the world be saved. Yes, the world has finished sinking into the quagmire of sin, rebellion against God, and loss of his grace. And only now a great force of prayer can achieve from divine mercy the miracle that will lead mankind back to the road of salvation.
Yes, that is why you must now pray the Rosary, pray the Thousand Hail Marys more than ever, so that in this way, you will help me powerfully to attract all my children who are lost in sin, back to the Lord who wants to save them all.
Yes, my motherly voice echoed in the Grotto of Lourdes to call all my children to salvation. And here, in my second and new Lourdes, I come again to repeat my vehement call to conversion and penance.
Penance! Penance! Penance!
Do penance for your sins and for the sins of the whole world.
Penance! Penance! Penance!
Convert yourselves, changing your lives and praying and helping everyone else too, so that they convert and return to the path of prayer and salvation.
Penance! Penance! Penance!
Let each one leave his bad path and return to God through the path of prayer, of conversion, of sanctity, of love for God.
Yes, my motherly voice will continue here still calling my children for some time to come. But convert quickly, my children, because the time for conversion is running out, and soon the Father will unload his righteous anger on the whole world.
Yes, the Lord has waited patiently until now, but how many have ignored his voice and how many have despised it. The Father cannot bear it any longer. Therefore, he will send the great chastisement.
With my tears of blood, with my pains and my supplications I have appeased the Lord's anger every day and have delayed the great chastisement, but I will not be able to stop it forever.
Therefore, convert without delay before the time of grace and mercy ends for the whole world.
Only I, with my tears, can still obtain from the Father mercy for the world. Unite yourselves to me by praying my Rosary, by praying the Thousand Hail Marys unceasingly, so that in this way you will offer a great power of prayer to move and touch the heart of my Son and to obtain from him forgiveness and mercy.
Soon the nations will have to drink the chalice of God's anger to the end, including Brazil, so: convert! Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves without delay!
May all my children live my message of Lourdes: more prayer, more penance for the conversion of sinners, renounce worldly pleasures, and dedicate their lives to serve God in prayer and penance.
Imitate my little daughter Bernadette and you will love God with all your heart, you will love me, and you will be great saints.
I bless you all, especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you so much for all the films you have made of my Apparition in Lourdes, making this apparition of mine known, understood, followed, lived, exalted and glorified by all my children.
Thanks to you my children have understood all the greatness of my Apparition in Lourdes, all my power, all my glory in those Apparitions, and have finally understood what I want from all my children in Lourdes: more prayer, more penance, more love of God, more sanctity of life like that of my little daughter Bernadette.
And that there in Lourdes, I showed all my power as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mediatrix of all Graces, Health of the Sick, Consoler of the Afflicted, Refuge of Sinners, and powerful Mother who does not despise or abandon her children.
Thus, all my children can feel my love, know my love, and live my love.
And then, my Immaculate Heart can truly release my flame of love powerfully to transform this humanity from an antechamber of Hell and a quagmire of slime and sin into a garden of grace, beauty and holiness for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity.
And all this I owe to you, my dear little son, in whom I always find my pleasure, my complacencies, I always find joy, obedience and true love.
Continue to show the world the glory of my Immaculate Heart at Lourdes, and then you will greatly hasten the triumph of my Immaculate Heart as you have already done.
Today, on the Anniversary of my Apparition in Lourdes, I pour over you 18 special graces and blessings. And on your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you have today offered the merits of these films and all that you have done to make my Apparition at Lourdes known, I now pour 18,000 special graces that he will receive every 11th of every month.
Yes, thus I reward you, I bless you and the one you and I love the most.
Rejoice, my son, for I will give you many more graces, for many more merits you will have.
Today also, you will be able to choose 11 people on whom I will pour 4 special graces from my heart.
I bless them all, and you too, my little son Carlos Tadeu, rejoice because I have given you a son in whom I have manifested luminous signs that not even in my most holy sons who have been on earth have I manifested.
Yes, here is a son who is greater than all my holiest sons who have been on Earth. Yes, with him I will finish what I began with my beloved and beloved Bernadette.
Rejoice, because to you I have given the son of the prophecies who holds the key in his hand and that truly with him I will accomplish and carry out the great work of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart and with the key that I have given him we will close the eternal abyss and the star of the abyss will no longer be able to come out to harm the earth.
So rejoice, my son, I have given you as a son the one who will lead all humanity to meet my son Jesus who is coming and who will prepare the souls for the nuptials of the Lamb.
I bless you all: from Lourdes, from Pontmain, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive, taking with me the great graces of the Lord with my sons Tenoriel and Lenoriel.
I bless them all with my Angels who have come with me now and I leave my peace."