Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and Saint Camilla communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Soon, all that you see and know of this world will disappear

(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today you celebrate here the anniversary of my Miraculous Fountain, the Fountain of Grace!
Yes, on that same day, February 21, 1999, when I blessed and gave this Fountain to all nations, to all mankind, I gave the greatest gift of my Immaculate Heart to my children.
I gave them the Fountain of Grace to ease their sufferings, to console them in the tribulations that you now suffer, to heal their bodies from sickness and their souls from sin, the worst illness in these very bad and difficult times in which you live.
Yes, I have given you the Fountain of Grace, mainly to wash and heal your souls from sin, which like a terrible cancer, like a terrible and deadly epidemic, now ravages all mankind.
Families have perverted and totally extinguished within them: prayer, catechesis, love for God.
Young people have perverted and lost themselves completely in vices, prostitution, drugs, violence, sin. Even the children no longer have the innocence that the children of old had. Even in them, malice, evil and sin are already installed.
The church has finished languishing in the fatal cancer of apostasy. Men think only of worldly and earthly things.
Soon, everything you see and know of this world will disappear and will no longer exist in the great chastisement, and you are still thinking about worldly things and making plans for the future.
Oh, my children, how great is your blindness! How great is the evil that affects and kills the souls of this poor humanity!
If you prayed more, you would understand what I say, and what my seers in obedience to me say to you to alert and shake you out of the deadly sleep of apostasy, sin, and worldliness in which you live.
If you prayed more, you would have the light of the Holy Spirit in your soul to understand and comprehend my words, my apparitions, and understand my seers as well.
Because you don't pray, you don't understand my affliction nor the affliction of my faithful and obedient seers who suffer everything and do everything to save your souls, and you only repay us with ingratitude.
If you prayed more, you would have the light of the Holy Spirit to see how much darkness you are in.
Yes, your souls are filled with darkness, and you cannot see the truth, you cannot see what is happening to you, and how much your soul is already dominated by this fatal cancer of sin, which is spreading more every day in your souls, in your families, and in humanity.
Pray more so that you can have a clear vision and see with the eyes of your soul how much you are slipping, sliding each day more into the abyss of perdition and Hell, and wake up, my children, come out of this death, for now is the propitious time for conversion.
Wash yourselves at the fountain, drink from the fountain, so that you can have eternal life in your souls, so that you can have the light of the Holy Spirit to see how much misery, poverty, sin, there is around you and in you. So that you can begin a true conversion, now that there are only 20 minutes left of God's day for the fearful day of the Lord's Righteousness.
Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! And pray many rosaries to thank the Lord and me for the great gift I have given you: that is my miraculous fountain, which has already saved so many lives here and will save many more until the end of the world, because my maternal mercy and my love, just like this fountain, will never, never run out, will never end.
I bless you all with love and I ask: pray the Rosary every day and hasten your conversion, because the Lord is already truly rising from his throne and soon he will come to give to each one according to his works.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí."
"Dear brothers of mine, I, Camilla, come again from Heaven to tell you:
Hasten your conversion! This is the propitious time for conversion. While you still have God's mercy, seek it! Convert yourselves truly, leave your vices and sins, and lead a holy life, or else, on the day of punishment, you will groan and weep tears of blood, for not having listened to the voice of the Mother of God in her Apparitions.
Oh! Sin has now finished spreading throughout the whole earth and corrupting so many, many souls. Children, young people, families, even consecrated religious, many of them, have fallen into mortal sin and allowed themselves to be corrupted by it. The fire that will fall from heaven, as our Blessed Queen said in Akita, Japan, will be terrible! Convert yourselves without delay, for only a deep and true conversion can appease the anger of the Most High, who can no longer bear so many abominations and so many crimes that are committed every day.
Pray the Rosary every day, give the meditated Rosaries that our beloved Marcos makes and has made for you to everyone who doesn't have them yet. They will be like the blood of the lamb at the door, and they will shine in the days of chastisement like bright stars, and then the demons will flee from the houses that have them, that pray them, and thus the faithful will be saved.
To all I bless with love now."
At the end of the Apparition, Our Lady said to her seer Marcos Thaddeus:
"My son, just as I did not want to give my miraculous fountain to the world without you, without you also, I will never, ever give any grace to any of my children. It was through your little hands that I gave my miraculous fountain to the world, and it will always be through your merits, through you, that I will give my graces and blessings to all my children. I love you, mediator of my heart!"