Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace given to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Thank you for coming, I've been missing you!

(Marcos): "Forever be praised, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Yes, my Queen, I will.
I will do it too, Madam.
Yes, I will. With your help, I will... Yes, I will.
My Queen and my heavenly Mother, I would very much like to know if the father of André Paiola, my dear brother, if he is well, if he is safe.
Yes, I do... I will tell him. Thank you, my Queen.
Yes, I will! I will pray yes.
Yes, I will say yes.
Oh, what a relief!
Thank you so much! I knew that the Lady, being as good as she is, wouldn't let you. I knew it!
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all once again to holiness. Imitate my little daughter Bernadette, be holy, give your yes to the Lord and to me, accepting the will of God and renouncing your own will that always wants what is evil.
Give your yes, and the wonders of my flame of love will happen in your lives as I made them happen in the life of my little daughter Bernadette. Above all, I want your life to be a blazing, bright flame of love, as was my daughter Bernadette's, to guide all my children who are blind and wandering in this world, to lead them back to Heaven.
Just as my daughter Bernadette saved millions of souls at the time of her generation, almost 200 years ago. So too, I will save millions of souls in this generation, through my little son Marcos.
Yes my son, through you I have already taken many souls to Heaven, and I will take many more! I have saved so many souls!
The soul of the father of my dear son André, who is here is an example of this. It was the sacrifices of his headache offered by him, with the prayers in the past years that brought him to salvation, that saved him. And so, many souls will be saved.
Stand firm and never get discouraged, because if you get discouraged the chastisements will fall on the earth, and many souls will not have time even for a prayer, much less for conversion.
And only you can save them, only you can prevent their damnation and their falling into the lake of eternal fire that will never end, never tomorrow.
Yes, only you with your yes can save them.
Only you, with your works of love, the meditated rosaries(1), the meditated taught rosaries(2), the "trezenas"(3), the movies and everything you do for me, only you can save these poor souls who by themselves have no merit, no gold coin to enter Heaven.
Only you can pay their debts to the divine justice and give them gold coins of merit, which through the communion of saints you can offer them, for their sake, so that they can acquire the right to enter Heaven.
Yes, only you can save this generation, so, my beloved child, never, never get discouraged!
And may my children understand the great grace I have given them which is to know you my co-saver, the savior of this generation that without you, without your yes, would be lost.
So may they understand this grace, may they value this grace, for the more they do this the more and more of my grace, my love, my blessing and my help they will receive in their lives. And may the first one who recognizes, values and loves this the most be the father that I gave you, because if I benefited this generation by giving you, I benefited him even more by giving you to him as his son. For thus, the merits of the son are all the father's, and also all the blessings and graces that the son attracts with his yes are all the father's.
And therefore, there will be no one, ever, that Heaven loves so much, that I love so much, and favors so much after the son, as the father.
Therefore, my son Carlos Thaddeus, exult with joy, because if this generation in the future men will call happy, blessed and fortunate, a bakita generation, fortunate, for having had my son Marcos, much more will they call you fortunate for having received for a son, that son in whom I have shown signs that not even in the holiest sons that I have had and that have passed on earth have I manifested.
The son whose yes has saved this generation, the yes who will together with my yes produce the greatest triumph of my Immaculate Heart and the miracle of the renewal of Heaven and Earth that are soon to take place.
Therefore, exult with joy, my beloved child, over the son I have given you, for he is the greatest gift of my Heart to you.
To all my children I bless and ask: Continue to pray my rosary every day, for he who prays my rosary with sincere faith and love will not die a bad and eternal death, but will be taken by myself at the hour of death to the glory of Heaven.
I bless you all and especially you, my son André. Thank you once again for coming to comfort me, to remove swords of pain from my Heart and to also help, to heal the heart of my son Marcos with your friendship, your care and true love.
Thank you, because also through you I pour balm on so many wounds that the world has opened in the heart and soul of my son Marcos.
Thank you, because your presence here is a song of love, which also gladdens my heart and makes me forget the sadness that so many children who don't accept and reject my love give me.
To you and to all of you, my dear children, who are here today consoling me and loving me, I bless you and say: thank you for coming, I have missed you!
I bless you all: from Fatima, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
Shalom, peace!
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive, alive with my son Vincent de Paul and Luiza Marilac, bringing great graces from the Lord.
Again I bless everyone so that they may be happy and I leave you with peace. Shalom!"
Video Link:
(2) 7 Rosaries taught by Our Lady of Jacarei
(3) The Trezena to Saint Anthony of Lisbon is a prayer event that takes place thirteen consecutive days. It is a kind of novena, which, unlike the novena prayed in nine days in honor of the saint (since the thirteenth day is his feast day), is prayed in thirteen days. The Trezena started in Portugal and was taken by the Portuguese to other countries and former colonies. In Brazil the Trezena is held in several states, but in the state of Bahia the tradition is maintained to this day.