Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Pray, pray more on Saturdays!

(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today I invite all of you to live my message from Caravaggio: Fast on Fridays on bread and water, pray the Rosary every day, consecrate Saturday to me with more prayers and do not profane the day of the week that belongs to me with worldly things.
Pray, pray more on Saturdays! And if you do this, not only will you receive new graces from God, but even many plagues will disappear from mankind, and many, many blessings will be given by my son Jesus to you, to your families, to your crops, and to your works.
Live my message from Caravaggio by praying my Rosary every day.
Pray it for the conversion of sinners.
Pray it for the peace of the world.
Pray that all my children who do not know me yet and do not know the love of God, may be touched by the grace of the Lord and may come closer to him who is the salvation and happiness of every man.
Our Lady's apparition to Gianetta Vacchi in Caravaggio, Italy
Billions of human beings, my children, whom my son gave me at the foot of the cross, billions of my children still don't know the love of God, don't know me, don't know that I exist.
Only you can bring them my love, my messages of love that can touch the hearts of so many of my children. So that they can come to the path of prayer, of conversion, of love for God, the path of salvation!
Live my message of Caravaggio, doing as my little daughter Gianetta did: obeying all my requests, taking my messages to everyone and making all men reconciled with God and with each other.
I am the Mother of all of you, and I bless each one of you. I see the heavy crosses you carry. And just as I saw the cross of my daughter Gianetta and came down from Heaven to comfort her, I will always come to comfort you, my children, and give you all my affection, all my love, and the strength to go forward each day of your lives carrying the cross with love and fulfilling the mission that the Lord has for each one of you.
Marcos, my dear son, thank you for this beautiful film of my Apparition in Caravaggio that you made. When you show it here to my children, I come down from Heaven with Gianetta always, to see it, to hear it, because never, no one has ever done anything like it, no one has ever done anything for me like you did.
Yes, a film like this showing my whole message in its entirety, without censorship, without taking parts out, showing all the truth, all the beauty, all the glory and the greatness of my Apparition in Caravaggio.
Oh, no! No one has ever done it! So I always come down from Heaven with Gianetta to listen to everything you talk about in it, and it touches my heart, it touches my daughter Gianetta's heart, and it greatly consoles us for the great pain we have to see that even after so many centuries, my message from Caravaggio that my daughter Gianetta brought to all men is still not known and loved.
Yes, no matter how hard my daughter Gianetta tried, the message was left in oblivion and contempt. And you, with this film, rescue it all! Everything that humanity has buried in contempt and oblivion. That's why I feel so consoled, that's why even my daughter Gianetta feels so consoled.
You are my consoler, you are Gianetta's consoler.
Go on, my angel, go on! Keep showing all my children my wonderful Apparition in Caravaggio, so that my children seeing my goodness, my gentleness, my love will fall in love with me as Gianetta and you did.
And so, my children will all give me the yes that I have been waiting so long to be able to act in their lives and do wonders to save them and their families.
Because of this movie you made, I give you today 59 special blessings and for your father Carlos Thaddeus for whom you have offered the merits of this good holy work all day today, I give 139,418 blessings that he will receive every 26th day of every month for 2 years in a row.
So I pour upon the one you love most in this world all my grace and all my love.
And as for you, my son Carlos Tadeu, rejoice! Rejoice for the signs that I have manifested in the son I have given you, because these signs I have not manifested even in the holiest sons who have ever walked on earth.
Yes, I gave you this extraordinary son, the most beloved and dearest to me, my valiant warrior! So that you, seeing this, may rejoice and feel how valuable you are, how precious you are to me and how important you are to me, to the point that I not only entrust you with a great and important mission, but I also entrust you with the servant I love most, the warrior most beloved by me, the most obedient and dearest son of my heart, to be your son and leave him in your care, so that you may care for him with love and teach him everything you know.
So that he may then, growing in wisdom and grace, may truly attain all the fullness of holiness that I and my son Jesus expect of him.
You must take care of him as his true helpmate and tutor, as a master and teacher, you must teach him all the things he should know about the art of how to live well, of knowing how to live well. So that then he can more easily overcome the difficult situations that this world presents to him. And so that you, forming him as a true spiritual and also human father, can teach this son of mine how he should truly act in all situations.
And so, also, you must protect him from all those who want to hurt him, from all those who want to make him discouraged and tired so that my plan does not fail. And so, with your love, you can heal all the wounds in his heart and give him the strength, the encouragement, the support, the love, so that he can go ahead and realize with you the great plan that includes the salvation not only of many people, but of entire nations of the earth including this nation.
To you, my most beloved son, I bless with great love now and to all my children here present: from Caravaggio, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí."
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, my little daughter Gianetta and I will go together with Saint Michael carrying the great graces of the Lord.
To all I bless and leave my peace!"
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