Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Take the knowledge of my apparitions, of my tears, to all my children

(Marcos): "Yes, my Queen, I will do yes?
Yes... Yes, I will do yes."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, I invite all of you again to conversion!
Over the years, humanity has continued to walk the path of disobedience to God and to my messages. Families have kept taking away my Rosary and putting in its place so many harmful TV programs, so many harmful things and hobbies, that have destroyed in children and young people all love for God, all respect for God, they have destroyed in children all goodness, all innocence. And these children grew up to become the lost youths and lost adults that you see now.
Society kept banishing God, kept taking the Commandments totally out of their social life. Humanity kept turning its back and despising my appearances, messages and tears.
It continued relentlessly persecuting my seers, trying to silence them and destroy the works of salvation that I did in the places of my apparitions relentlessly.
And because of this, so many souls that could have been saved have been lost, and so many have been turned away from me in great numbers, have been lost, and are already doomed.
Oh, how great is the desolation of this world!
The wars, the injustices, the wickedness continued to spread. Vices continued to be propagated as a good. And today, this completely sick, crippled humanity agonizes and dies spiritually.
There is no peace and there will never be peace until humanity returns to God, until families return to my Rosary as it used to be. Only then will families again produce the saints and the noble souls that they once were.
My tears of pain have fallen in an immense desert, and there has been no one who has risen to dry them up with his life of love, of prayer, of total dedication to me calling men to conversion.
Yes, therefore the punishment will come! That is why the punishment will be worse than the flood and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah, because if they had seen the signs that you saw in my apparitions, they would have converted and done penance. Therefore, my son will also be implacable when it comes to dispensing justice.
Pray, pray very much for the souls that can still be saved, that are in ignorance, that still know neither God nor me, that do not know the truth. These can still be saved, help me!"
Take my messages to them, take my love, take the knowledge of my appearances, of my tears to all my children.
As long as the sinner continues to think that sin, that pleasures are better than me, I cannot save him, I cannot help him.
The sinner can only be helped by me and saved when he gets to know me, when he recognizes that I am bigger and better than all the pleasures of the world.
Then he will fall in love with me, and then I will be able to help him, he will renounce pleasures, he will give himself to me, he will give me his yes. And then I will be able to lead him along the road to conversion and holiness.
Every soul that has known me and exchanged me for the sins of the world, has done so because it has begun to consider the pleasures of the world better than me. It began to find some creature better than me. That is why it exchanged me so easily for the pleasures and the creatures.
To these, I no longer know what can save them. Only a miracle, a great miracle, which will not be obtained except by a deep penance and many prayers.
Take to all my children, therefore, my knowledge, the knowledge of me. That is why it is so important and it is so valuable and precious in the eyes of God and in my eyes the life's work of my son Marcos. Through the films, the meditated Rosaries, the Hours of Prayer, and especially the Hours of Peace which he recorded, he made me known in all my beauty, in all my greatness, in all my glory and perfection by my children.
And many of them seeing, knowing, recognizing my greatness and my beauty, saw that I was better and greater than all the pleasures and goods of the world, and renounced them, left them and preferred me.
Only when souls do this will I be able to help them and lead them along the path of salvation, but first they have to know all my beauty and all my greatness, otherwise they will continue preferring the sins and pleasures of the world.
That is why everything that my son Marcos did all his life, his whole life's work, to make me known and loved in all my greatness, in all my goodness, in all my splendor in my appearances and in my holy hours of prayer, is so important and valuable.
Yes, this is what you must do: help the righteous one, my most obedient and hardworking and dedicated son to make me more known and loved by all my children, for only when they know and recognize, understand all my beauty, all my sweetness, all my greatness, all my glory will they prefer me and renounce worldly pleasures and even see them as dirty, trash, dust and ashes.
Then I will triumph and then I will defeat Satan in the lives of all my children, in the lives of families, of society, of Brazil, of nations.
Help the righteous one who did the most great, right, meritorious and pleasing thing, valuable in the eyes of God and in my eyes, and I will thank you too in Heaven for having helped my most righteous, dedicated and obedient son to save all souls for me.
Keep praying my Rosary every day.
I bless you all: from Pontmain, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive with my daughter Margaret Mary Alacoque and also with my daughter St. Gertrude, carrying great graces from the Lord.
I bless you all, and especially you, my son Carlos Tadeu.
You see, I gave you the son who before the eyes of the Lord and my eyes did the most certain, most effective, most meritorious and valuable work for the salvation of souls, to show you how much I consider you, appreciate you, cherish you, and how precious you are to me.
The rosary that I played with my daughter Gianetta for you and also the rosary played on my dress and on my daughter Rita's dress, which emanate the soft perfume of Paradise for you, was a grace I gave you because I love you and also because the son I gave you offered his merits, from the films of my Caravaggio apparition and the life of my daughter Rita, asking for this grace for you, to achieve this grace for you.
And he has achieved it, and many more graces he will achieve, because much more worthy of other graces he is. So, be happy! Rejoice for the son I gave you, in whom I manifested signs that I did not manifest even in the holiest sons I have ever had on earth.
I have given you a son in whom I even manifest signs in his paintings, in his images, even before he went up to Heaven with me, all to show you how much I love you and how much I have given you a valuable treasure, that if you know how to love, cherish, keep and prefer, you will also receive so much more graces, riches and treasures from Heaven and from my Heart through him.
I bless you all now with love: from Pontmain, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
May you be happy!
Rejoice, exult in joy for my signs of love for my son Marcos and for all of you whom I have given here.
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