Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Pray, not out of habit, but out of love

(Marcos): "Forever be praised: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I invite everyone again to fervent prayer with the heart.
Pray, not out of habit, but out of love.
Pray meditating and feeling every word that comes from the heart.
Many pray, but their prayer is worth nothing, because it is done with lukewarmness, with coldness, with voluntary distractions and with an insensitivity, with a guilty indifference.
They do not pray out of love, so their prayers do not make them better or change them, and in a short time they begin to devalue me and my son Jesus and to value worldly pleasures, creatures, and they end up exchanging my son and me for these things, betraying our love.
For these souls only a miracle and a tremendous personal effort can put them back on the path of salvation. Otherwise, they are lost!
Be careful not to be the next to fall into this fatal state that leads to perdition. Especially religious, because for them lukewarmness is much more deadly than for lay people.
Pray with true fervor in your soul!
My son Marcos, you are the oldest child of the third group of special seers that I have chosen to give my maternal word of love, conversion and salvation to the world in these last times, as I have already explained to you other times, and you will carry out my work of salvation.
Unfortunately, several of the children in the third group, of which you are the main seer, have become discouraged and succumbed. Many from the second group and the first group have also become discouraged and succumbed.
I chose you because of your courage, your steely determination to obey me and to love me to death, even to the shedding of blood if need be.
Never, never, my son, lose these qualities that you have. Never change your heart for anyone's sake. Keep your convictions and also keep your opinions firm until the end when it comes to obedience to me.
Don't tolerate at your side neither false, nor lukewarm, nor cold, nor indecisive, not even those who live in duplicity, wanting to serve me and the world at the same time. Those also who for nothing value me and value something else, pleasures and creatures, and prefer them instead of me.
Do not tolerate such people, because they, my son, they will be a cause of great grief to you. Offer all the help for the person to be saved, but those who make the choice for evil, for pleasures, for darkness, and harden themselves in this, leave. Follow your impertinent path in search of the souls who do not know me yet, but as soon as they get to know my love, my glory, my sweetness and my goodness through your work, the hours of prayer, the Rosaries, the movies, everything you do for me, they will accept me, they will embrace my plan of love and salvation, they will give me their yes, and they will be the most fragrant roses that will fill my Immaculate Heart with joy and contentment.
For these souls, who are the elect who are still lost wandering in this world without knowing where to go, don't get discouraged, don't get tired. Go to the end for me. And be sure that where the earth is good the seeds you sow will fall, will produce fruit, and will persevere until the end.
He who does not persevere to the end will only prove that he was a bad soil and let the weeds grow in it to the point of choking my seed, the seed of salvation.
So go ahead and don't be discouraged! I am with you and I will never leave you. You are my pride, my last hope. In you I place all my pleasure, all my contentment, and all my love.
Ask me for whatever you want for yourself and I will give it to you, I will help you and you will see just how much I love you as I have always tasted and will always taste you, and then your soul will exult with joy in my love.
I give you 122 special blessings today because of this wonderful film of my Medjugorje messages, which you so many years ago made for me.
And for your father Carlos Thaddeus, I now give 101,022 blessings that he will receive on June 25, on the anniversary of my apparitions in Medjugorje.
Thanks to this and the other movies you made of Medjugorje so that my children would know me and love me and obey me, on the anniversary of my apparitions there this year, when the 40th anniversary of my apparitions will be completed, I will give all my pilgrim children who come here to pray 37 special blessings.
Tomorrow will be the 25th anniversary of my first tear on this miraculous and holy image that is here. I wish that tomorrow you console me with the Thousand Hail Marys, with the Rosary, with more prayers, dry my tears, because even today my tears fall for the youth who are completely lost and enslaved in vices, in drugs, in prostitution, in violence.
Even today my tears fall, because not even children pray anymore, and even they begin to have early experiences of evil in their lives.
Even today my tears fall for the families destroyed by the lack of prayer, for having taken away the daily Rosary and for having replaced prayer by pleasures, by bad TV programs, by the Internet which is the greatest curse of this century and the network of Satan himself, and for having replaced God by material goods, raising children not for Heaven, not for holiness, but for sin, the world, pleasure and damnation.
Even today my tears fall for the apostasy that reigns and increases more and more within the church.
Even today my tears fall for the wars, for the violence, for the injustices and wickedness that are committed every day on Earth, and for the sins of sensuality that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.
Even today my tears fall for the countless millions of abortions that are committed every day, for the sins of sensuality and violence that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.
Console my heart and dry my tears with more prayer, with the Thousand Hail Marys, and give my children 10 movies of my apparition at La Salette, number 2 that my son Marcos made, so that my children seeing my tears will console me, take away the swords of pain from my heart.
And give my children 10 Meditated Rosaries #258, so that my children may know you, love me and by the power of my Rosary be converted and I may deliver them from Hell.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Medjugorje and from Jacareí."
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive with all the Angels of Heaven carrying the great graces of the Lord.
Go, my children, rejoice in the sign of the Sun that I have given you today.
Go, take my messages!
Rejoice for my signs!"