Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, June 11, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
You are the child I have waited for three centuries!

Message from the Sacred Heart of Jesus
"My beloved son Marcos, today I come with my Blessed Mother on the Feast of my Sacred Heart to bless you all and to say to you all:
You are the child I have waited for for three centuries, so that through you, finally my messages given to my daughter Margaret Mary Alacoque would become known throughout the world.
You are the child I have waited for for three centuries, the only one who would care about my messages, my Mother's messages, forgotten and despised by humanity, and who would do everything to make them known.
You are the child I have been waiting for for three centuries, who would love my messages in Paray-Le-Monial to my daughter Margaret Mary, and would do everything, do everything to take them from oblivion and contempt.
You are the child I have waited for for three centuries, the child who would love my Sacred Heart so much that he would not be satisfied that it was not known, loved and adored by all men. And then, with this holy nonconformity, I would do everything to make this heart known, loved, adored, praised and corresponded to by all men.
You are the child that my Sacred Heart has waited for for three centuries and that it would finally make known to men: all the greatness, all the beauty, all the importance and value of my messages given to my daughter Marguerite-Marie in Paray-Le-Monial, with this video that you made.
Yes, the merit of having made it is yours, and no one can take it away!
Never allow, never let anyone take away this joy from you, the joy of being the child chosen, chosen, awaited by me. The child who made this video that so consoles my heart and the heart of my Blessed Mother.
Yes, with this film, this video, you have removed thousands and thousands of thorns that had been stuck in my heart for centuries, because my messages had not been disseminated and known by all.
And you, my son, have repaired and made up for centuries of ingratitude, of contempt and forgetfulness of men, towards My Divine Heart and the messages I gave in Paray-Le-Monial.
You have done something, you have done an extraordinary work, you have done something great in My eyes, in the eyes of My Father and Mother, and let no one ever steal this joy from you, take this joy from you by diminishing the value of your works, by diminishing the value of your work, by diminishing the value of our appearances here. Where, through you, we have accomplished this admirable work of salvation, rescuing all My apparitions and the apparitions of My Mother from the past, making our messages known and obeyed by all, and thus transforming and saving so many souls!
Yes, do not allow anyone, anyone to take away your joy, anyone to ever steal your satisfaction, inner contentment.
Yes, be happy, exult with joy! Because you have done a great and admirable work in my eyes and in the eyes of my Father.
And that is why through you I bless the whole earth.
Because of you, I bless the world.
Because of you, this plague and so many others are no worse than they have been.
Because of you, the crops, the plantations are blessed.
Because of you, so many wars are stopped at their beginning or before they even start.
Because of you, so many punishments of nature that the world deserves for its sins are avoided.
Because of you, I pour out peace and grant both the grace of healing, and the grace of peace of heart, peace of families, and the salvation of so many souls for your sake. Because of you!
Yes, you are the child, the child I have waited for for three centuries and through whom not only my messages from Paray-Le-Monial, but all of my apparitions from all over the world with my Mother, are known and finally obeyed by my children as I have always dreamed, as I have always desired.
Therefore, my beloved, favorite and blessed child, I bless you today with the rich blessings of my Heart and I pour over your father, the one you love the most and for whom you have offered also the merits of this most holy work that you have made for me, in my praise and my honor, this video, this film.
I give him 12,000 blessings, which he receives now and every year he will receive on the Feast of my Sacred Heart.
And upon those who are part of My Religious Order and truly obey you and collaborate with you so that you can make My apparitions known throughout the world by helping you, upon them, I also now pour three special blessings from My Sacred Heart.
Rejoice, my chosen child, because to you, to you I will entrust even more, many more graces from my Heart, many more treasures, and also many more important missions.
Since you have been faithful in these most holy works that you have done for me and for my Mother, I will entrust much more to you.
Rejoice! Because My Heart loves you with a love of predilection, because my beloved ones are not those who only carry titles or positions, but they are those who truly work for me, who care for My apparitions and My despised and forgotten messages, and who truly strive despite their poverty and smallness, strive to console Me, console My Mother by making Our apparitions known to all.
I bless you now with love: from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí.
And I also bless you all with love!"
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My dear son Marcos, rejoice! Rejoice as my Son told you.
Rejoice, because your worth is measured in the size of your love of works and your works are great, no one has done them and no one will do them, because you, only you have the true love for me and my Son Jesus, only you have had it and proved it with works.
While everyone else was busy with their own petty and selfish interests, you thought only of me, of my Son Jesus, of our forgotten appearances, and you did everything to bring them out of oblivion and contempt and give them to the world.
Yes, we went all over the world looking for at least 10 souls of true love, and we only found you. Not even among the chosen souls did we find these 10 souls of burning love.
Yes, you have this blazing love that we have been looking for and longing for, and because of this you have produced works that no one else has done.
Be happy, my son, and never let anyone steal your joy. Look always every day at your works, so that no one can ever take the joy out of your heart.
I rejoice with you and bless you now and all my children, especially you, my little son Carlos Tadeu. Look who is the son I gave you. Look! See the grace! See the grace that I have given you by making you the father of the soul most ablaze with love for me and for my son who has produced works of love for us that no one, no one else wanted to do.
Rejoice! Because through the chosen child that I and my Son have awaited for three centuries, you will receive great graces from our Hearts, and many treasures we will also give and entrust to you.
I bless you with special love!
Tomorrow I will come again to bless you all and to give you my Peace
I bless you all: from Pontmain, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."