Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I waited for you for centuries, so that you would be born and take my Apparition in Vicenza out of the oblivion and contempt of humanity

"Dear children, today I call you again to fight against evil in prayer.
Satan is strong, and only with much prayer can you repel and defeat him. Pray now as much as possible, because in these evil times, Satan wants not only to discourage the righteous, but he also wants to destroy this world and turn it into a big pile of ashes and ruins.
Yes, Satan wants to turn this world into a great desert where death will reign, but with the Rosary we can defeat him. So, pray! Because with the Rosary(1), with the Rosaries of power(2) that I have given you, you can disarm him and neutralize him completely.
Prayer is stronger than hell, it is stronger than Satan and evil. So pray, pray, pray without ceasing!
My dear son Marcos, today I come from Heaven to tell you:
Yes, I have waited for you for centuries, for you to be born and to bring my Apparition in Vicenza out of the oblivion and contempt of humanity.
Yes, that apparition of mine so dear to my heart, was a sword of pain in my heart, because with the passing of the centuries humanity despised and forgot it. And for that, painful tears were coming down from my merciful eyes.
Thanks to you, now my Apparition on the Bergeric Hill of Vicenza is better known, loved and also obeyed by my children.
Our Lady of Monte Berico in Vicenza, northern Italy
My children now understand the necessity of prayer to stop not only plagues, but also the worst plague: sin, evil, and all the wars in the world.
My children understand the value of my Shrines and of my Apparitions, and how much humanity pays dearly, often with their lives, when they do not listen to my messages.
And now how many of my children take my maternal messages seriously, to heart, and all this thanks to you.
Because of this, my son, I give you today 77 special blessings, and for your father Carlos Tadeu, whom you love so much with all your heart, I now give 389,128 blessings.
I also give to any soul you wish to choose today 37 special blessings. And on these children of mine who are here, because of the film Voices from Heaven #9 (Knock Apparitions - Ireland and Vicenza) that you made, I give them because of the merits of this film 6 special blessings.
I bless you and also your father, Carlos Tadeu, with love.
I bless all my children present here and to my son Carlos Tadeu I say:
Rejoice, my son! Rejoice for the son I gave you. While other people were seeking only the satisfaction and fulfillment of their personal desires, having fun and pursuing their own petty interests, the son that I gave you spent days, spent whole nights, whole months working to make me known, to make my Apparitions in Vicenza and in so many places, known to my children.
Yes, he completely forgot about himself, he forgot even to feed his body. He deprived himself so many times of so many nights when he could rest to spend working and making these films for me.
Yes, how great are the merits of this son before me!
How great is this son's love for me!
How numerous are the gold coins of merit and good works that he has before me in Heaven.
And I tell you, my son Carlos Thaddeus: I have given you the best of my servants, my children, my seers, to show you how much I love you, how much I love you, how much I cherish you. And, for this, I gave you a very rich son, full of merits, the most full of true love for me. So that through him, I can enrich your soul more and more and prepare a great spiritual treasure for you in Heaven.
Yes, through the son I gave you, I will save your soul and make it beautiful, rich in glory in Heaven.
And you, the more you unite yourself to this son, the more you become intimate and one with him, the more you will assimilate this true love that he has, you will assimilate his desires, his feelings, you will assimilate his way of serving me. And so you will become more and more like him, and as you become more and more like him, you will also become, more and more: close, pleasing and beautiful in my eyes, close and one with me.
Yes, I bless you now and I bless all my children: of Pontmain, of Vicenza and of Jacareí."
(Holy Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these images, rosaries, holy objects arrive, there I will be alive, taking with me the great graces of the Lord.
Tomorrow I will return with my daughter Camila to bless the world and to visit you with my peace and my grace.
Peace! Until tomorrow, Marcos, my beloved son.
Thank you for having sacrificed and renounced rest and pursuing your personal interests to make the film of my Apparition 12 years ago in Knock, in Genoa and also in Vicenza.
Thanks to you, my apparition in Vicenza and the others are better known and my messages are obeyed.
Thanks to you my heart rests consoled by your love.
Film Voices from Heaven #9 (Knock apparitions - Ireland and Vicenza):
Video link: