Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace given to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Convert yourselves! Repent of your sins! Change your lives!

Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I come again to call you to conversion.
Convert yourselves! Repent of your sins! Change your lives!
Great is my sorrow for humanity that each day is moving further away from God, from His love and His law, walking the path of sin, of selfishness, of wickedness, of lust, of wars and of violence.
Since my apparition at La Salette until today, nothing has improved. On the contrary, everything has gotten worse, and recently it has gotten immeasurably worse.
Families have completely lost the spirit of prayer, so they feed themselves every day with poisoned food that Satan offers them through the media.
The youth is completely lost in addictions. Not even the children are spared. How many of them are exposed to evil, to bad examples every day, and many of them no longer believe, no longer pray, and no longer love God.
Not even consecrated souls escape. How many of them do not follow the holy rules given by their founders or by me. How many consecrated souls betray the love of Jesus and my love, preferring the love of creatures, pleasures and the world. This is why apostasy is spreading more and more, because there are no more holy souls capable of giving the world the light of grace, of God's love and of salvation. For this reason, every day more, my Immaculate Heart is filled with painful swords that make it bleed and tear from my eyes most sorrowful tears."
'At this point there was a great pause in the message. Our Lady sat on the cloud that came under her feet at the time of the apparition and began to weep.'
(Marcos Thaddeus) "No, don't cry, Mother, I will do everything I can to console you. Everything! I swear it! I will work double, triple, to console you, but please don't cry anymore!"
(Our Lady) "Thank you, my little son Marcos. Your words comfort my heart and with a handkerchief scented with love, dry my tears.
Thanks to you, my Apparition at La Salette lives in the hearts of my children today. Yes, La Salette is more alive than ever in the hearts of my children and they know my pain and feel the need to love me, to console me for a holy life full of love.
You, my son, must make my message of La Salette known as much as possible and form here my great army and crown of the apostles of the last times, that is, the brave warriors who will carry throughout the world my messages of penance, prayer and conversion, and the holy faith of my son Jesus Christ, to bring all peoples, all souls to our united hearts which are the only means of salvation for the whole world.
Yes, thanks to you, my son, thanks to these wonderful holy works that you have done, which are these films of my Apparition at La Salette, my message is known to my children.
This will be the legacy that you will leave for all humanity, an immortal legacy over which Satan can do nothing and has no power to destroy the light that emanates from these works, from this legacy that you will leave for future generations. And thanks to this legacy, thanks to all that you have done and that will remain for all future generations, La Salette will always live in the hearts of my children, in the history of humanity, and the plan of the devil that was to overwhelm and bury La Salette once and for all in oblivion and in the contempt of the world this plan, thanks to you, has failed!
You were the great victor and through you, I conquered and crushed once again the head of my enemy.
Yes, through you I have conquered, you have conquered the devil and the world, and together we will make my message at La Salette reach all the ends of the earth. And for this, you must work even harder, and good souls must also work with you and I promise that all those who help you to make my apparition at La Salette better known and loved, I will bless them with all the graces of my heart. Those who every month have given 10 movies of my Apparition at La Salette to those who do not know, will receive from the Heart of my Son and my heart, seven blessings. I and my Son will bless them seven times a month if they do this. In this way I will reward all those who help you in this holy work of love.
Rejoice, my son, my ray of light, my victorious warrior, because you have defeated the devil and defeated his plan which was to bury La Salette in oblivion. And thanks to you, La Salette shines brighter than ever today and my message is better known.
Rejoice, therefore, and don't let anyone ever take that joy away from you. And rejoice too, my son Carlos Tadeu, because I gave you for a son, a son who has conquered the devil, who has conquered hell and the world , and through him I also conquered Satan and crushed his head with all my power,
And thanks to this child that I gave you for a son, all my apparitions are taken from oblivion and contempt, and are made known to the whole world, and thus Satan's plan, which was to bury La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Castelpetroso, Lichen, Bonate, Montichiari, Quito, and all my apparitions, fell apart!
So too the enemy's plan, which was to bury the lives of the martyrs and the saints in oblivion and contempt once and for all, has also fallen to the ground thanks to the son I have given you.
So rejoice, because to you I have given the best of my servants, the best of my warriors. And when I say best of the best, I am not speaking metaphorically, but I am telling you the truth, so that you understand, my son, how much I love you, cherish you, and to you I have given the best of my warriors, I have given the best of my servants, the most obedient of my children, the ray of light, the joy and consolation of my heart.
To you I gave the third shepherd boy of La Salette who here has brought my apparition of La Salette out of oblivion and contempt, and has made my tears and my message of sorrow known to so many of my children who now, with their prayers and their lives full of love, fidelity and obedience to me, dry my tears and fight with me for the salvation of souls without ceasing, and they too become reflections of my light in the midst of so much darkness that now envelops the world.
So be happy, my little son Carlos Tadeu, and don't let anyone steal your joy. And the more you unite yourself with my ray of light, my third Shepherd of La Salette, the more you will assimilate the love he has for me, you will assimilate the very characteristics that he, my flame of love, has for me, and then you too will love me with the most intense love, with the most ardent love, as the son I gave you loves you, and after my son Jesus, is the one who loves me most, is the one who has loved me most on earth.
And if you unite yourself even more intensely and intimately with him, you will also love me with love like that, and then, you will also become one of the souls who has loved me most on earth, after my son Jesus.
Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Because the great chastisement that I announced at La Salette is approaching.
My Secret of La Salette is about to happen.
Convert yourselves! The Secret is happening and you do not see it, because you are blinded by pleasures, by sins, by material things, by worldly things, and by your excessive activity in the world.
Pray more, so that you can see in the events of the world my secret of La Salette, and then accelerate your true conversion, for it is the only one that can make you worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven and be saved by my Son.
Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! And be the echoes of my message at La Salette. Take my message and my Secret of La Salette to all my children all over the world without delay, without fear, for by doing so you will be giving my children the last plank of salvation on which they can cling, and thus enter eternal life and escape the horrible punishments that are coming to meet you.
Convert, because my Secret of La Salette will soon be going forward, and new and painful events will come to you.
Convert yourselves! For soon the trumpet will sound and shake the whole earth, and finally the last bowls will be poured.
Pray my Rosary every day. Those who convert and pray my Rosary will not be abandoned by me in the last tribulations, but I will take care of all these my children with love.
Go! And make both my message of La Salette, and those I give here, which is my second and last La Salette where I will finish what I started in France at La Salette, known to all my children, because only in this way will the world have hope for a future of peace.
I bless you all with love: from La Salette, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
Our Lady after touching the religious objects
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive with the Angel Nadiel and the Angel Miriel, bringing great graces from the Lord to all.
Again I bless you all to be happy and give you my peace.
Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves without delay!"