Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Apparition and message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on August 27, 2023
Pray Because Only with My Flame of Love Can You Understand the Value, the Urgency of My Messages

(Most Holy Mary): "My children, I come again today from Heaven to give you My message through My chosen servant.
I am the Mother of you all, a mother does everything for her children. I am the Mother who appears, cries, gives signs, does everything to call her children back to her Heart.
During these last 200 years I have been more on Earth than in Heaven giving My messages, appearing in so many places to call My children back to the most just path, the right and safe path that will lead them to Heaven, which is the path: of Prayer, Conversion, Penance, love of God.
I have shown My children the way, but they have rejected and despised My love, and that is why I weep, that is why I suffer. I am the Mother still pierced by a sword today.
The only way to remove this sword from My Heart is through prayer, through obedience to the practice of My messages.
So once again I say: Practice My messages, obey them for your own good.
Yes, soon all those who have said for how many years She has been telling us the same things and nothing, nothing changes, nothing happens, no punishment has come. Soon they will have to swallow their words, because God's Justice will carry out a great purification on Earth, fire will fall from Heaven and it will destroy many, many nations.
With each passing day, Astro Eros is getting closer, and only a lot of prayer, a lot of Rosaries will be able to ward off the Chastisement, so I say to you: Pray, pray, pray!
If you pray, if you convert, God will forgive the world, if you live My messages, My son Jesus will allow himself to be moved and will have mercy. So make a firm commitment to your conversion every day.
I have been here for so many years, not just to show you the true path, but to walk the path with you, taking you by the hand so that you don't make mistakes, so that you don't stray from the true path.
Yes, the whole world was saved from the terrible war that was to take place in 1992 by the yes of My little son Marcos, there would have been no stone left unturned if the Chastisement had fallen, after which the fire from Heaven would also have come.
Yes, the Chastisement that I foretold in Akita in the 1970s would fall right after the great terrible War, to finish burning what little was left of it. But the yes of My little son Marcos removed the Chastisement and obtained for you more time and mercy from the Lord, more life so that you could pray, so that you could make sacrifices and enter the path that leads to Heaven.
So, little children, pray for My Flame of Love, so that you can understand the value of My little son Marcos' yes, so that you can understand the value of My Apparition here. And how much you owe not only to My maternal love and to God's mercy, but also to the yes of My little son Marcos, who has achieved for you: time and mercy.
One day, in My Triumph, you will see, you will see what would have happened to you and you will see what the yes of My little son Marcos has delivered you from. Then tears of joy will come down from your eyes, because you will see that the heavenly Mother, with her perfect plan of love, with the collaboration of a poor and humble child, has removed a terrible suffering, a terrible scourge from you.
Pray because only with My Flame of Love can you understand the value, the urgency of My messages, and thus take them seriously and put them into practice in your lives.
Pray 3 hours a day. You are wrong to think that this is a long time to pray. I only asked for 3 hours, but there are 21 left over so that you can do whatever you want.
Make a vow of obedience to this message of Mine, on which you depend to receive My Flame of Love. And in this way, become the great saints, the great souls, the ceaseless Flames of Love that I came here to seek.
I want the work of the most loving souls that My son Jesus and I asked for at the beginning of this month to go ahead. May the soul who wants to be a most loving soul:
♥ Pray every day the Acts of Love* that I have taught.
♥ Pray the Rosary of the Consecrated**.
♥ And also pray the Rosary of My Flame of Love***.
So that My Flame of Love can truly begin to act in you.
To be a most loving soul, you must die to yourselves and to your own will and allow yourselves to be meekly led by Me, wanting to love what I love.
Therefore, little children, exercise your souls every day in self-denial so that My Flame of Love can truly grow in you.
I wish you great docility and also a great spirit of sacrifice, because a soul that doesn't sacrifice itself doesn't know how to love, and a soul that doesn't love can't be a very loving soul.
So, little children, learn true love from Me and live it so that together we can raise a great wave of love to Heaven every day, to console the Father's Heart and obtain mercy from Him.
My little son Andrew, I bless you now with all the blessings and graces of My Heart. Thank you for having come, for having come not only to console My Maternal Heart, but also to console and gladden the heart of My little son Marcos.
Every joy you give him, you give to Me.
All the love you give him, you give to Me.
All the affection you give him, you give to Me.
Everything you do for him, I feel and receive in My Immaculate Heart.
I pour out on you now all the maternal blessings of My Heart and I say: Advance on the path of prayer, pray always more My child, because it is never enough.
Let My little son Marcos lead you meekly, I love it when you ask him questions about the Faith with a thirst to learn. This is how you will learn true wisdom, which the world does not have and cannot give you. And this is also how you will discover the mystical path of true love that you must follow.
Try to read the living Flame of Love, the true Flame of Love, so that you too can create this perfect love in yourself. Unite and assimilate yourself more and more to My little son Marcos, so that you too can have the same love in your heart as he does.
And so that you too may become a most loving soul, raising the fragrant incense of perfect love from earth to heaven every day, to console the Father, to placate the Father in heaven and to give joy, love, praise and adoration to Him.
I love you very much and now I extend My hands over you to bless you.
Remember what I told you yesterday, always contemplate the sacrifices that My little son Marcos offered for you so many times. And see if anyone could love you more than he loved you with pain, tears and blood. And so, My son, feel true love in your heart.
To you My beloved little children who work for Me, who fight for Me every day, I bless you now and all My children: of Pontmain, of Genoa and of Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
Again, I bless you all to be happy, and may you be in the Lord's peace.
Go My little son Andrew in the peace of the Lord, I will accompany you all the way, I will never abandon you and I will always be by your side.
And always contemplate My son Marcos' sacrifice for you and see if you could have been loved more than you were by him, who sacrificed his life for you so many times. True heavenly charity.
Then you will feel true love and how much not only he but also My son Jesus and I love you.
We bless you all from heaven now and I leave you peace."
In the Apparitions of Jacareí in 2016, Our Lady and the Saints asked us to repeat the following acts frequently:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph I love You save souls
My God, my Father I adore You, I want to: increase my love and make me love You more and more.
Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, I love You, but make me love You more and more.
Mary Mother of God and my Mother, make me love You more and more and die of love for You.
Saint Lucy I love You, save my soul, save many souls
My Jesus, My Love, I love You, make me love You and die of love for You.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph I give You my whole heart now and forever.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph for love of You I renounce all sin.
Mother of God, I love You, I want You, I desire You: Increase in my heart Your Flame of Love.
(...) So that My Flame of Love may grow in your hearts, you must continually repeat the acts of love that I have given you here. Above all, every day, you must say a mental prayer, even for five minutes. Meditating on one of My Messages and trying to contemplate Me, because the contemplation of mental prayer will unite your souls with Me more and more.(...) [Our Lady in the apparitions of Jacareí, September 11, 2016]
♥ Rosary of the Consecrated** ♥
♥ The Flame of Love Rosary*** ♥
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei