Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, your people have many comforts in their homes because of the electricity that is available. Most all of the power that you have is produced from hydroelectric plants, and steam turbines which are powered by coal, gas, or oil. Small amounts of power can come from wind turbines and solar cell devices. Most people are not familiar with what plants are providing their electricity because it comes from a collective grid. If these plants or the transmission lines are damaged by storms or terrorism, then power outages could be a problem for a long time. You have seen power outages on hot summer days or when the latest hurricane came through. I have even warned My people to have backup oil lamps for light, and alternate sources of fuel for heating in the winter. It is your electrical appliances as ovens, refrigerators, and sump pumps that require more electricity. Be thankful for these conveniences, but your power is very vulnerable to being stopped. Even when the one world people want to force martial law on you, they will cut your power lines so they can control you.”
Prayer Group:
St. Padre Pio said: “My dear faithful souls, you are honoring My Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament, and praying your rosaries to help souls. Heaven thanks you for all that you are doing to save souls. I came especially to thank Steve for all of his dedication to make religious wood carvings, as he has shown in this statue tonight. I want to encourage him to share his gift with everyone. I also want to remind my son to wear his cross outside of his clothing. Continue to remember me in your prayer requests.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to look at every day as one small step closer to your death, and an opportunity to come to heaven. Even as I struggled to carry My cross to Mount Calvary, I had to take every step closer to My own death. You all have a mortal body that has a short time until you die. But your soul lives on forever, and you are calling on Me to lead you to heaven. In this morning’s readings you saw that you need both faith and works to give evidence of your belief in Me. By putting My words into action in your life, you are witnessing your faith to others.”
Jesus said: “My people, America still has a few technical jobs left in your factories. It is encouraging in certain industries to see some of your jobs returning home. Shipping costs have tripled, container costs have risen, and labor costs are rising in China. It is now about an equal cost to manufacture some things here. If markets are allowed to have a fair playing field, you could see more jobs returning to your country. If foreign companies paid the same taxes, and had to meet similar benefits, then your companies could compete without any disadvantages. Your corporations could make profits here, but there are less taxes and less environmental costs overseas. Pray that your people change your job incentives to keep your jobs here.”
Jesus said: “My people, your business and financial districts in your cities are what has made America great in your eyes. To Me it is your faith in Me in your morals that has made America great in My eyes. When you stop worshiping Me and praying to Me, then you will see how your fame and fortune will be slowly overtaken by other developing countries. Encourage people to pray more and convert their secular lives into holy lives of faith. Unless America comes back to Me in faith, then your civilization could decay as the Roman Empire collapsed from its own decadence.”
Jesus said: “My people, this falling over of large buildings is not because of a poor physical foundation, but it is a sign of a bad spiritual foundation. If you build your house on the sand of fame and fortune, then once you are tested, your house will crumble. If you build your house on the rock of St. Peter in My Church, then your spiritual house will stand against the wind of the evil one’s temptations. Put your trust and faith in Me, and I will see to your every need.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had some trials and difficulties in bringing in your speakers to your city. My son, you have seen these same trials in your work as well. Do not be discouraged to help people get closer to Me. If you are doing this good work for souls, then you will constantly see the devil taunting you with problems to try and discourage you in your work. Instead of giving up, you should struggle on harder to work for souls. I had a world to save, and I gave up every drop of My Blood and every effort to carry My cross. You will be facing worse persecutions than this, so struggle to save souls while you still have time to do so.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle against evil, and you need to keep your army fighting for your own individual church’s survival. Do not be discouraged over some of these closures because you need to call on My strength to keep your churches open. By prayer, fasting, and helping your pastors, you can keep your churches open. Keep fighting and do not give up your faith in this effort.”
Source: ➥