Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 14, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011: (St. Callistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of the world are constantly searching for peace and rest, but they do not find it in worldly things. This is because the body is searching more for comforts and pleasures, and it is never satisfied. It is your inner spiritual soul that is also not finding peace with earthly things. Again, your soul is searching for its Creator and My love, because I am the only One who can give peace to your soul. This peace comes from the grace of My sacraments when you cleanse your soul from your sins in Confession, and when you receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion. Guard this peace of My grace in your soul, and do not let anything in life disturb your peace. When you are seeking rest for your soul, come before Me in My tabernacle in quiet contemplative prayer, and listen to My words of consolation. Before My tabernacle you can shut out the noise of the world to relax in My Presence. Once you taste of My peace in faith, you will realize that it is My love that is constantly drawing you to Me. I want you to seek Me only, and you will have the peace that your soul is searching for in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, many places and events were important in My life on earth as a man. One of the most significant events was the first Mass of the Passover meal at the Last Supper. That is why this vision of the upper room should be important to remember what took place there. Holy Thursday was the day before I was to give up My life for everyone’s sins on Good Friday. The consecration of the Mass goes back to My first breaking of bread in Holy Communion. I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This gift of My Real Presence in My Eucharist is the greatest gift of Myself that I could give you. Treasure My Eucharist as a source of graces for your soul. I am always with you in My consecrated Host, and you can receive Me daily at the Mass in Holy Communion. Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament can also bring you close to Me when you make time to visit My tabernacle. The more time that you allow Me into your life, the more you can accomplish for Me in your mission. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the many gifts that I share with you out of love.”
Source: ➥