Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 24, 2014
Out of this love, this mission was born!
- Message No. 423 -

My child. Please tell Our children today the following: We, My Holy Son Jesus and I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, love you very much. God, Our Father of all, Creator of all being and of all the children of the earth, loves you very much. Out of this love, this Mission was born. HE, the Almighty Father, chose Me, His humble handmaid, and entrusted to Me His Most Holy Son, Jesus, your Savior. He sent Him to the earth so that you, freed from sin, would find the way home to Him, your Father and Creator, but you are pushing this more and more out of your present time and thus distancing yourselves further and further from your Father.
My children. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, is your chance for eternity. For this He lived and died for you, My children. Through HIS devotion to the Father, HE opened the way home for all God's children, but it is you now who must go this way. Jesus is there for you, for each one of you, and together HE will go this way with you, but you must give HIM your YES for it and give yourself completely to HIM, because only in this way HE will be able to work in and around you.
My children. The commandments of God are very simple. If everyone would follow them, your world would be a paradise already now, but as long as the serpent is among you, he will seduce souls again and again, who consider these very commandments as void and seek only their personal advantage.
My children. Jesus helps you to integrate the values of the Lord into your life and to live as it is the will of the Lord. Give yourselves completely to HIM, and the mysteries of life will be revealed(t) to you bit by bit.
My children. Once you have found Jesus, you will long for Him more and more, and the true values of life will be given to you. The inner happiness will overtake him and he will realize what game the evil one is playing here on your earth.
The Holy Spirit will inspire you and give you clarity, but you must confess Jesus and trust in HIM completely. Only HE is the way to the Father!
Never follow men, for many wolves in sheep's clothing will be among them.
I love you.
Your mother in heaven.
Source: ➥