Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 25, 2014
With the physical death your eternity begins, because the soul does not know death!
- Message No. 424 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. My daughter. I, your Holy Father, am here to tell you and all the children this: I love you, My beloved children, and My love for you is infinite. I have created you, each one of you, in the greatest and most intimate love, but you do not know about this love, you have forgotten where you come from, you have forgotten Me.
It is very sad for Me, your Father who loves you so much, to see how far you have moved away from Me. It is even sadder for Me to see how you, unaware but full of pride, fall into the traps of the devil, who derives his only satisfaction from harming you in order to torment Me, because he knows of My love for each one of you and, as My adversary, has made it his goal to take away what is dearest to Me: You, My children, but he has already erred in this in Jesus, My Most Holy Son, and has not understood that with death comes life and that all torment becomes love, a mystery that only a few understand, and yet it is so, for he who professes Me, who trusts in Me, who sacrifices his life to Me, all good and all bad, all beautiful and all sorrowful, reaches Eternal Life, for the soul does not know death, and Eternal Life is given to him who gives his YES to Me and My Son.
My children. My so beloved children. Do you understand now how important it is to find Jesus?
Do you see that when you have confessed Me and Jesus, the devil cannot harm you?
With physical death begins your eternity, every suffering you give to Me comes back as love to you and others. Whoever follows Jesus will enter the New Paradise, without death, without suffering, because the devil has no power over you, but, My dear children, you must give your YES to Jesus to be free from the devil, otherwise he will lay claim to you, and damnation will be your last abode.
That is why I, your Father who loves you so much, am sad, because I see how many of My children have not yet given their YES to Jesus. Please turn back and run to My Son, for by His death HE has conquered evil and freed you from sin.
Accept this gift and follow HIM, so you too will defeat evil, for Jesus will come to chain the devil, and 1000 years of peace will be yours.
So be it.
Come to Jesus!
In deep love, your Father in heaven.
God, the Most High. Amen.
Thank you, My daughter. Make this known. Amen.
Source: ➥