Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
It is the miracles of the apparition where they have been before!
- Message No. 427 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me, My daughter, and hear what I, your Holy Father, have to say today to the children of the earth: Your path that you are walking is dangerous, for you are walking on the precipices of hell. When your time comes, it is easy for the demons of the underworld to push you there, into hell, so close are you to it.
My children. He who does not profess My Son will not see My light. He will not feel My love, and he will not find the right path, i.e. he will fall off, fall at the feet of the devil and become a plaything of his (the devil's) -if he is not already now!-, and he will not experience My glory, nor enter the New Kingdom of My Holy Son.
My children. Confess yourselves to My Son, to your Redeemer, so that the suffering of your soul can be taken away from you and it (your soul) can find liberation and full of joy and happiness to its origin, its Creator -to Me-. Only in this way will you be saved and healed, and only in this way will you be able to enter your inheritance, because whoever does not confess My Son, refuses to say YES to Him and continues to remain in the world of lies and appearances, will perish with it.
My children. Jesus is coming, and then you must be prepared for HIM. His Mother will show miracles to usher you in to the time to come, because once the world comes to an end, it will be too late for your conversion. These miracles will convert many, but this time, as so often in your history, they will also be doubted by those who want to turn you away from the truth, because their interest is not for your good, but for control and power over you, under the rule of the Antichrist and the devil. So get ready, because when these miracles happen, you must recognize them as such. They are the miracles of appearance there where they have happened before.
My children. Not everyone will be able to see your Mother of Salvation, for this is reserved for chosen children, but many conversions will take place, and many will bear witness.
My children. Wake up! Get ready! And do not continue to close yourselves to the truth! I, your Holy Father in Heaven, ask you to do so, because I want to gift you all with My love and see you freed from hatred and need and suffering.
So be it.
In deepest and most intimate love, your Father in Heaven. Creator of all being.
"My child. Make this known. It is extremely important. Amen. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."
Source: ➥