Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
NOT one servant of God is among you today who can work miracles on his own!
- Message No. 428 -

My child. Please tell Our children that My apparitions here with you on earth are a great gift from God the Father to all of you, because great is His love for you, and out of this love He makes these miracles happen, so that each one of you can find Me and My Son and thus start the way home with Us to the Heavenly Father.
My children. Be happy and joyful, for the hour of mercy is not yet over, and as long as it beats, God, Our Father in Heaven, will work miracles for His children!
HE gifts you with graces, with love and with blessings and shows even the most unbelieving that WE exist, that WE are there for you and explains WHAT will happen now and HOW it will happen and WHY!
Open yourselves for His words! Open yourselves for His love! And accept all His so generous gifts! As soon as the hour of mercy has passed, justice will overtake you, and the punishments will be great and severe for those who did not accept the Lord's gifts!
So convert in time, because the great judgment will come and you will not have much time left.
My children. Give your YES to Jesus and thus save yourselves from the devil and the punishment of sin, because as soon as the hand of the Lord strikes down, it will strike all those who think they can live without HIM, the Almighty Father.
So confess Jesus and accept the seal of the living God. So you will be spared from plagues and other misery and suffering and will enter the New, glorious World! But those who will not accept even the miracles that are coming now, who will talk My appearances to nothing and who will lead others away from the only true way that We reveal to you in these and other messages, will have to answer before God, Our Lord, and great will be their punishment if they have not converted in time.
My children. Believe and trust and accept My miracles! Miracles that God, your Father, makes happen for you, through Me, His humble handmaid and other Holy Servants, who do NOT dwell among you, but are at home at the side of the Lord, Our Almighty Father.
So be warned against false miracles of your manipulating wolves in sheep's clothing, because they were NOT sent by God, but serve only the devil, who sent them into the world for his selfish purposes!
NOT one servant of God is among you today, who can work miracles out of himself!
Believe and trust and do not be blinded by false miracles, because they are devil's stuff! I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, warn you, because whoever falls for this falsehood is very close to hell!
Trust ONLY in My Son, but not in men! In deep love, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
"My child. The wrong ones are ready. Tell this to Our children, for they must be warned. I love you, your Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥