Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
You will feel the coldness of evil!
- Message No. 492 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Us. We love you, My so beloved daughter, and will always be with you, with your loved ones. My child. Please tell Our children the following today: The light of the earth is going out, because the devil is planning world domination and is spreading more and more on your so beautiful earth. His followers care more about money, power and pride than the Lord's creation, and so they have been playing havoc with it since the beginning of the formations and unions of certain satanic groups. They destroy your seas, your forests, your land, poison your rivers, your air, just to rake in more and more money, to become even "richer", to be admired and to have and exercise power over others.
As soon as the takeover comes, i.e. the beast ascends the throne of the world, your world, the sun will darken, the moon will lose its luminous, light-giving shine and your earth will become cool. You will feel within you and around you the coldness of evil, but be sure that soon after My Son will come for the Second Time.
That will be the time of Jesus' Second Coming. The "liberation battle" will be fought, but you, My so beloved children, must remain absorbed in your homes and in prayer. It will be the 3 dark days that will come upon you and that will bring you peace when finished. The devil will be defeated and chained, his followers will burn in the lake of fire. They will have no more power over you, but you must have confessed Jesus BEFORE THIS TIME, or you too will perish with them.
My children. Prepare yourselves. The end is coming, and those who are not prepared will not experience salvation. So be it.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven with the saints, the angels and God the Father.
Source: ➥