Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 27, 2014
This dark time will end in the 3 dark days! (Part 1)
- Message No. 493 -

My child. My dear child. Have courage. We are with you, always by your side, and love you very much. Please tell Our children the following today: The light of the earth, when it goes out, is the sign from God the Father that HE has taken His Son all to Himself. The vision that We showed you, My child, indicates this time in which you are living today. God the Father takes His Jesus, nailed to the cross, covered with blood, suffering so much for you sinners, from this world, which seals the fall of your earth, and the devil ascends the throne of the earth. This dark time will end in the 3 dark days foretold to you, and Jesus, coming up from heaven, will deliver the earth from evil. The glorious time will be ushered in for ALL of Jesus' TRUE souls, and the transition into His New Kingdom will only take a moment. It is this moment that will change you. It will heal you and free you from burden. You will be like new children of the Lord, and all this is happening in this moment, which is hardly perceptible to you.
My children. Do not be afraid, because a wonderful time awaits you. The suffering of your present world will be forgotten, because the glory of the Father will fill you with the greatest joy and deep peace. No more burden will there be, no more fears, compulsions, doubts fomented by the devil will determine your life, for in the New Kingdom of the Lord you will be happy and contented children, and evil will not exist there.
My children. Take Our messages to your hands again and again and let them touch your heart. We love each one of you and here give you the way to find your way to God Father, to Jesus and to His New Kingdom. Remain faithful to Us and do not get lost, because the evil one has not yet made his final move, but once done, it will only bring worse suffering to your earth and over you.
My children. Pray! Pray much and pray fervently! Your prayer will be heard and many souls will still confess to My Son. After the 3 dark days, a light will come to your earth, which you do not know from here. This is the sign that the battle is over and Jesus has won the victory. We love you and will take care of each one of you. Be completely with Us, with Jesus and God the Father. In due time, We will announce to you the (note: further) procedures.
My children. Our love for you is infinite, and all We pray for you and your families for strength, fortitude and perseverance. We ask for protection for you and your loved ones and are always with you. Believe in Us, trust in Us, for all of Heaven is ready for you!
With deep and heartfelt love, your Mother in Heaven, the Saints of the Communion of Saints, the Holy Angels of God, as well as God the Father and Jesus, who are also here. Amen.
My child. Make this known as well as the vision of the cross that God the Father gave you in08.2 years ago.
Thank you, My child. Go now. Amen.
Vision of August 28, 2012: I wake up in the morning and look out the window into the sky, and God the Father and Jesus appear to me, and then the crucified Jesus, covered in blood (hanging on the cross) ascends to His Father, the Most High. He takes Him mournfully in His arms and holds Him so embraced and intimately. God the Father is very sad.
Source: ➥