Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, April 24, 2014
It is humility that will open for you the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven!
- Message No. 534 -

My child. Tell Our children today that We love them.
Out of Our love, We give you these messages. Accept them with a humble heart and rejoice, for you are so important to God, Our Father, that HE has entrusted Us, His Heavenly Helpers, with this mission to enable you to live Eternal Life by His side and to save you from torment and anguish of soul.
My children. My so beloved children. Turn back and give your YES to Jesus! In this way the prophecy will be fulfilled also for you, and your soul will not be lost! Come to Jesus, your so much loving Savior, and enter with HIM into the glory of the Father, which gives you greatest peace, joy, happiness and love!
You will be filled, and no evil will happen to you (anymore), because you live (then) as true children of God at His side and there, where the Father is at home and rules, there is no evil, but indescribable and for you (still) incomprehensible love, with which you are gifted and filled.
My child.
Tell Our children to carry humility in their hearts, because it is the humble souls that My Son loves so much, and it is humility that will open the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven for you!
My children. Have a pure and humble heart! Be completely with My Son and let HIM take care of you. The world in which you live is hard, corrupt and impure, but it will soon pass. Then there will be love and purity and peace and your hearts will be great and full and -like your soul- will shout for joy and fulfillment!
You will give glory to God, your Father and Creator, praise Him and give thanks to Him. You will be so happy that you cannot imagine it now.
So come into the Holy Arms of My Son, your Jesus, and begin to walk the path into the glory of the Father. Amen.
I love you.
In deep and intimate union.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child.
Source: ➥