Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 25, 2014
This is My great gift to the children of the earth in these days before the end!
- Message No. 535 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write. Listen to what I, your Father who loves you so much, want to say to My children of the earth today: My children. My children so loved by Me. You must begin to believe in My Son, Jesus Christ! You must learn to trust Him in all matters of your life! There is not much time left for you, because My adversary is implementing his plans at breakneck speed, and only My Son, your Jesus, can save you from the evils of the devil!
My children. Honor My Son, come to HIM and fall completely into HIM! Surrender yourselves to Him! Consecrate yourselves to HIM! The closer you are to HIM, the less the devil can do against you: You then "belong" to Jesus, and the devil must give way!
My children. My children so loved by Me. Time is pressing, and only My Son "knows" the way to Me. Alone you will not be able to walk it (the way to Me), therefore give HIM, your Savior, your YES and accept My Heavenly Graces, which I give especially to the children among you who come to My Son with an honest heart!
But I also bestow My graces on the children who have gone astray, for I, your Almighty Father, hear your prayers, and I now touch even the most lost sinners among you, so that at the end of days they will not say they did not know Me, did not know about Me! So they also have the opportunity to confess and repent to My Son, and with loving arms I will receive every child who sincerely confesses to Me, to My Son, repents of his sins and gives himself completely to Me.
This is My great gift to the children of the earth in these days before the end, so that none need be lost, for I AM a loving Father, My love is merciful, and so I forgive the greatest sinner if he repents, confesses Jesus and Me, and repents with a sincere heart what sin he has done.
My children. Carry this "good news" to all the children of the earth, for the end is approaching and only a little time remains: The most hardened sinner I will enfold in My Holy arms when he comes to Me repentant. My graces now flow over the whole earth and touch every heart! So, do not say that he did not know about Me, because the love with which I now touch the hearts of all children is not of this world.
I love you, and I long for your conversion! Whoever converts and runs to My Son, I will also hold him in My arms, for Jesus will bring him to Me, and the joy in My Father's heart, which loves you so much, will be great. Amen.
Your Father in heaven.
God Almighty. Creator of all God's children. Amen.
--- "The Lord has spoken, so accept His gift. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
--- "My Father loves you. This gift is your salvation from destruction! Accept it and come to Me. Not one who comes to Me will I reject. But whoever rejects even this so precious gift, his downfall is certain, because the devil will not let go of him, and no crying, no pleading, nothing can save him then. Only your repentance will save you!
Your Jesus, who awaits you eagerly and full of love. Amen."
Make this known, My daughter.
Source: ➥