Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 2, 2014
You do not see through the evil game of the devil!
- Message No. 542 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Us, with Jesus, with the Father and with Me, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, and listen and write what We want to say to the children of the earth whom We love so much because every child is a child of God and was created by Our Father, God Almighty, in the greatest love: My children. Time is short. The events of your world are overflowing, but so many of you do not see it -do not want to see it- and/or do not recognize the connections. They do not see through the evil game of the devil, and this can become dangerous for them.
My children. Obeying Our Word is therefore so important, because it is for the salvation of all of you! Every child who converts, follows My Son sincerely, gives HIM his YES, his YES to EVERYTHING, will not be lost.
Your prayers help. They are full of power and very powerful. Use them! Use them! And unite in prayer with the saints, and call upon the Holy Angels of the Father for help, for they will stand by you, defend you in the fight against evil, and protect you from attacks of the dark side. My children. You are living in the end times, and much about this has already been foretold to you and has come to pass. The rest will also come to pass, as God the Father has prophesied to you through His chosen prophets, but, My so beloved children, you can prevent many calamities and above all protect and save yourselves, your souls -as well as those of your confreres- from calamities, if you repent, confess Jesus and pray for all the Lord's children and follow Our prayer requests! My children. It is not too late! No one has to "perish" in the world of Satan's dominion, because God Almighty will preserve and protect you, and the abominations of the end times will not be able to harm you if you are completely with Jesus! I love you, and I continue to pray for all the children of the earth, so that every child can find their way to My Son. In deep love and attachment, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen. --- Message No. 542a - 02.05.2014
My child. My dear child. Tell Our children that time is short. Only their conversion to My Son can save them from evil. Tell them this, please. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Amen.
--- My child. It is good that you are here. Tell Our children that We love them. Heaven is open to them, but they must confess: to Jesus, to God the Father, and pray. Whoever asks Us for help, We will not reject. Amen. Yours/Your Antoni Claret
--- "Pray for the children." The saints present here: Josep de Calassenç, Therese of the Child Jesus, Rosali, Antoni Claret, Bonaventure, Antonio de Padua: "They are the most important thing you have and very precious and so dear to the Father. Amen."
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