Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The desecration starts from Rome!
- Message No. 543 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, have to say today to the children of the earth: "Write, My daughter, for it is of the utmost importance that Our Word be heard. God the Father in Heaven."
My child. The world is on the verge of its destruction. Therefore, make haste and convert, for once the worst evils come upon you, many will not find their way.
The light of the Lord will increasingly diminish, that is, with every desecration, with every blasphemy, with every alteration of the Holy Word of the Lord, you desecrate that which is Holy, and My Son will no longer be among you as you are now accustomed to be.
The desecration starts from Rome and from there it spreads all over the Christian and non-Christian world. In every community the changes in the sacred rites, the books and the masses will be seen, but it will not be noticed negatively by the majority of people.
Many will break out in jubilation at the "innovation" that is just beginning to take place in the Catholic Church, and sooner than you think -and it is dear to the true followers of Christ- the devil will be worshipped where Jesus was once worshipped.
My children. Wake up, and face the facts! Do not allow this to happen in your churches and communities! Fight back! And organize Holy Masses, if necessary, in secret! Prepare all this now, because when the evil one has entered your churches, it will be too late for you!
The holy books are in many cases already exchanged and replaced by "unholy" ones. This will happen worldwide! Therefore, My children, gather all your holy objects and books! Keep them in safety, because YOU WILL NEED THEM!
Don't just accept these "changes" that are already happening NOW! Take care and find priests, consecrated sons of the Lord, who are ready to celebrate the Masses with you the way My Son wants!
NEVER worship the beast, for that will be your downfall! Amen.
In deep love and always united, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥