Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Your holiness is important!
- Message No. 565 -

My child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth today: Your holiness is important. It is what God the Father wants from you. It is the only thing worth striving for in this life of yours on earth. Everything else has no value. Whoever strives for holiness lives what God the Father expects of him.
Holiness embodies all the virtues and values that please the Lord. Your earthly-material-pleasure-world, however, is focused on the corruption of your soul, the decay of yourselves, apostasy from faith, from goodness, from morality, from respect -the list is endless.
Your world has no more room for God, and the devil simply cuts off your paths that lead to the Lord! He takes them away from you by blinding you, and woe to him who does not turn his back on this "change of times", repent and confess Jesus!
Only Jesus will lead you out of all your "mess"! He will give you peace and fill you with love! With HIM you can rest and let yourself fall completely into HIS holy arms, which will lift you up at the end of time and bring you to God the Father, but you must find to HIM, give HIM your YES, in order not to sink in the maelstrom of corruption, which leads you straight into the mouth of hell.
My children. My so beloved children. Wake up! Confess yourselves! Turn back! Jesus is waiting for you! Jesus is there for you! Jesus helps you! He is your Savior, your Redeemer! Through Him you will find the Father and enter His Glorious Kingdom. But whoever does not strive for His holiness, the treasures of the Lord will remain hidden from him and the gates into the New Kingdom will be closed.
Turn back! It is not too late!
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥