Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Don't expose yourselves to the devil like fair game!
- Message No. 566 -

My child. My dear child. Today I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say this to the children of the earth: you are all children of the Lord, no matter which way you decide to go. All of you are entitled to the inheritance promised to you, and a place has been created for all of you in the New Kingdom of My Son, but you must confess Jesus, resist the devil and not give in to temptations!
You must be pure for the Father! You must be pure for the Son! Whoever is impure forfeits the right to his inheritance! He who does not resist evil loses the right to his place in the New Kingdom!
Only the one who is pure will walk with Jesus! Only the one who is pure will see the Father! So strive for your holiness here on earth and resist temptations and all evil!
Time is short, because the end is coming, and whoever does not convert now, does not prepare, confess, repent and repent, will not experience salvation! The end will come upon him with all its shadows, and nothing he will be able to do then to save his soul from destruction!
Convert now and do not expose yourselves like fair game to the devil. The latter sends out more and more demons to seduce and steal the souls of the children of God! Come to My Son and confess Him, your Jesus. Then your soul will experience salvation and Jesus will give you "your" place in His New Kingdom!
Everyone is provided for there, and a place is made for everyone, but it is up to you to accept this so precious and generous gift of the Father: Your YES to Jesus is your ticket to this paradise so wonderfully created for you by the Father! Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥