Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 6, 2014
Rise up for all Christians in the world!
- Message No. 578 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: The persecutions of the children who are faithful to Jesus are immense, and you must pray for these your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, to alleviate their suffering, to lessen the torments to which they are subjected, and to share in the pain that is being inflicted on them both spiritually and physically!
My children. In Africa, in the Middle East, in China, in Russia and in many other parts of your world, your fellow brothers and sisters are being tortured and murdered! My Son's churches are on fire in many areas and regions! The desecrations of that which is Holy are increasing! And the Western world continues to sleep and defile itself in shame and sin of the devil!
My children. If you don't get up now, confess Jesus and fight back, it will be too late for you! You sleep the sleep of the senseless and do not realize it! You do not see! You do not hear! You are entangled and blinded in the mists, the veils of seductions and the sin of the devil! You are willing, susceptible and will-less to all the trash, the worthlessness and the vices, which the devil holds out to you, and run totally past what is important, what is true, what is valuable!
Whoever does not help his fellow brothers is not worthy to come before God, Our Lord and Father! Whoever runs after the devil and what he holds out to you will perish and suffer most agonizingly!
You judge yourselves with what you do and what you omit: The service to your fellow men! The defense of the teachings and commandments of Jesus and the Father in heaven! The love for the creation of the Lord and so much more, what you simply don't want to see and certainly don't want to do in your egoism, your self-glorification and your twisting of values! Your life is all about yourselves, and if you don't turn around, give your YES to Jesus, and start doing good, then you will be doomed, and no one will be there to save you!
Love your neighbor! Do good for your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord! And rise up for all Christians in the world! Together you are the remnant army of My Son, and together you are stronger than you ever thought you were! Stand up for one another! And defend what is holy!
He who continues to sleep will have a rude awakening! But whoever rises up and stands up for all that comes from God the Father and Jesus will be lifted up and live in glory.
Come, My children, come and stand up against all the atrocities done to the children of Jesus!
Pray, My children, pray, for the suffering of those who are faithful to My Son, love HIM above all else and give their lives for HIM, is great here on earth.
The persecutions are immense! The atrocities unimaginable! And the suffering, the agonies, the pains of those who "fight" for Jesus and remain faithful to HIM are indescribable and cannot be explained with words!
Help, My children, help! Stand up, all of you, and pray! Always pray when We call you! Always pray for these people! Always pray for peace in the world and in the hearts of all people!
Remain faithful to Jesus! And confess to HIM, if you have not already done so! The end is cruel, but soon it will be accomplished, and the one who is with Jesus will never suffer again. Amen.
In deep and grateful love, your Mother in Heaven with the Heavenly Hosts. Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥