Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Your prayer prevents what the evil one has planned!
- Message No. 579 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Tell Our children today that We love them and are grateful for all their prayers. Our call to save souls will now become more and more "loud" and more and more souls We are drawing to prayer because:
The devil is more active than ever. He rages, he boils, he steams with rage! His plans are thwarted, because YOUR PRAYER IS STRONG AND EFFECTIVE, and the Evil One is beside himself with rage that the Remnant Army of Jesus is so powerful and united -for in prayer you are all united- against him, the Evil One of the Evil Ones, and defeats his oh-so-cunning, cruel and destructive plans!
My children. Keep listening to Our call of the night, because then the devil is most active! Black masses are held, satanic rituals are performed and the destruction of the believing world is planned and initiated, but this "initiation" does not take place because you oppose it with all your prayers!
So much destruction you have already held off, and We ask you from the depths of Our Sacred Hearts loving you so much that you continue to pray and offer up all that comes to you in suffering to My Son, your Jesus!
The end is near, and your prayer mitigates and prevents the destruction of your world and the downfall of so many souls!
Be completely with Jesus, My children so loved by Me, and pray, pray, pray.
In deep and grateful love, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My children. My children so loved by Me. The time that remains is short. So come to Me and pray for all the children of the earth, may they find Me, their Savior.
I love you very much, and My thanks are great, for your prayer prevents what the evil one has planned.
Remain faithful to Me and pray much.
In deep love, your Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥