Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The face of your earth will now change!
- Message No. 593 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: The face of your earth will (now) change, for your apostasy is great, your sins weigh heavy, your aberrations immense, and your deeds a reproach in the sight of the Lord.
My children. If you do not confess Jesus now, it will be too late for you! You must find your way to Him, to your Savior, in order not to get lost in the upheaval of your world! A large part of your countries will be lost, wiped away from the ball of your earth, and with it its unbelieving inhabitants, who will ALL be lost to the devil!
Only the faithful children of the Lord will be spared, but all the others will have to answer for their unbelief, their shameful deeds, their sins and their petrified hearts, and the true (last) judgment will come upon them, and they will not be able to draw (more) from the mercy of My Son!
Children, spare yourselves this suffering of soul! Convert now and give your YES to Jesus! So you can become good children of the Lord and true followers of Jesus!
Repent, repent and seek -who can- the Holy Confession! Who has no more possibility to confess because of all the cruel deeds that have already begun-, pray and beg for forgiveness to God the Father and Jesus, his Savior! You still have the possibility to trust in the mercy of My Son! Soon, however, as soon as the end of the end begins, it will be too late for most of you!!!
Listen to My words! Take Our warning seriously! The end is much closer than you think, and as soon as the great warning has taken place, everything will come to an end very quickly!
Believe and trust and be with Us at every moment, with your Mother in Heaven, with Jesus your Savior, and trust in the Lord's Heavenly Helpers!
We are all ready to help you! So ask Us now and prepare yourselves.
With love and trust in God, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥