Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 20, 2014
What your Father in heaven has planned for you!
- Message No. 594 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Good morning, My Sun. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, and your Saint Bonaventure are here. Please say this to the children of the earth today: We are all here for you. The gates of Heaven are open to those who have sincerely and wholeheartedly given and surrendered themselves to Jesus, Savior and Redeemer of the world. Everyone who is faithfully devoted to Jesus, honors and loves HIM, will enter into the wonderful eternity of the Lord, prepared for all God's children who consciously and sincerely choose Jesus and God the Father.
My children. I, your Saint Bonaventure, tell you today: It is worthwhile to strive for and attain holiness during your lifetime! The gift that awaits you cannot be described in earthly words, because the love of the Father that awaits you and is given to you is greater, more beautiful, more glorious than anything you could ever attain in earthly lifetime!
My children. Your holiness is important, and it is what your Father in Heaven has provided for you. To each one who dies for his faith in Jesus, His Savior, a special place is reserved in the Lord's Kingdom of Heaven. He is received into the Lord's kingdom with angels singing and trumpets sounding, and there will be no detours for him. He goes directly to God the Father and Jesus, and this alone would be gift enough for the dedication of his life to the Lord.
But, My children, the gifts of the Lord are even greater, and you will be given abundantly, because what you had to put up with and endure, suffer so cruelly in your world here, will be made up for immediately by the infinite love of the Lord, the Father and the Son! You will be lifted up, and all suffering will be forgotten, because what awaits every martyr is greater, more beautiful, more powerful and more glorious than anything a man can imagine on earth.
My children. Hold on! Your death will never be in vain, because you are faithful to Jesus and help to be co-redeemers of many brothers and sisters in the Lord! Believe and trust and be completely united with Jesus! Take refuge in His love and become one with HIM!
Pray, My children, pray, for the persecutions are most cruel! Your brothers and sisters in the Lord are suffering, and your prayer strengthens and gives love and power! You must be one as the remnant army of Jesus, for in unity you are strong and powerful, and through your prayers you are all united!
So pray, My children, and all of you hold on a little longer. The gates of heaven are open to you and everyone who is faithful to My Son will attain the kingdom or heaven. So be it. With deep love, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much and St. Bonaventure who is ready for all of you. Amen.
Source: ➥