Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 21, 2014
My Son's brief presence will "throw your world out of joint" for days!
- Message No. 595 -

My children. Your world is falling apart, but you do not see it! Much evil will come upon you if you do not convert and find Jesus, My Son, your Savior. The time you have left on earth is short, too short for so many of you, for you are so far from God the Lord, following the devil and his followers without even realizing it, thus putting yourselves in great danger! Much suffering will now come as the evil plans of the devil begin to be implemented!
Pray, My children, pray! Pray for the salvation of all your brothers and sisters in the Lord and pray for yourselves and your loved ones! Your prayer is so important, so pray, pray, pray! Pray by day and pray by night and pray whenever We call you: Your prayer keeps away so much evil and suffering and helps and strengthens those who are maltreated for Jesus. Follow Our call in these messages and pray for all the children of the earth, for you still have the possibility to keep away the greatest of all evils.
My children. The end was foretold to you, now you are in the midst of it! Open your eyes and ears and become aware that soon everything will be over. Only the faithful children of Jesus will be saved. But all others will be lost to the devil and worst suffering will come to them. Therefore pray for the conversion of all God's children, for the suffering that awaits them is indescribably cruel!
My children. When Jesus comes to you, you must be converted! You must fall on your knees and ask forgiveness from Him, your Savior! You must have repentance in your heart and you must have joy in you! Joy and love for HIM, your Jesus! His light will dazzle many of you, and His love will embrace in a special way those who are faithful to Him. Many of you will die, others will go into shock, because His presence is mighty!
My children. Each one of you will see Jesus, and each one of you will be given your last chance to convert, but for so many of you it will be so cruel to see what you have done wrong in your life that you will first be confused for days or longer and then start over. This will be the time immediately after the warning, and much of your daily life will lie fallow. Some of you will not return to your jobs because you have realized that you will find fulfillment only through and in and with Jesus, My Son. Everything else will be secondary and of no importance to them.
God the Father: "Well done, for they will come to know the New Kingdom of My Son."
Satan's followers will flee from My Son. They will not be able to bear His light. They will run and scream, yes flee, for they cannot bear His light, nor the love that emanates from HIM.
My children. Prepare yourselves now for this time, because the short presence of My Son will "throw your world out of joint" for days, and for this time you should have water and edibles and consecrated candles in the house. It will be 10 days, but even after that the world will "look different" for many of you. 15 minutes will be the great warning, and everyone will experience it.
God the Father: "Blessed is he who lives in love for My Son."
Whoever lives in love for Jesus will be led by HIM, but whoever rejects HIM -even at the moment of warning- will die or flee. Your sins are great, and only My Son can forgive them. So be completely with Him! Honor HIM and love HIM, then the warning will be beautiful for you. Amen. With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Whoever is not able to understand Our Word, let him call upon the Holy Spirit to help him. You must learn to trust in Our Word, and what you do not understand must (still) grow in you. Believe and trust and be faithful to Me.
Your loving Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥