Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Renounce the earthly goods! Only in this way will you know the heavenly ones!
- Message No. 716 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please say the following to the children of the earth: My children. My so beloved children. Please turn back, My beloved children, because your salvation hangs "on the golden thread", i.e. whoever does not turn back will be snatched away from the Father, and nothing Jesus can do for you then, because if the devil "snatches" you away from the Father, this happens ONLY for one reason: You have not confessed Jesus!
So do not continue to follow your existence in luxury and earthly things, but give your YES to Jesus and put yourselves in His care, i.e.: Trust in HIM(!), in your Savior, because only through HIM you will find salvation, but everything else will lay you "as food" before the feet of the devil!
So turn back now, My beloved children, and give your YES to Jesus! Let go of earthly goods and pleasures, ENTSAGT! So you will find to Jesus, and your eternity will not be in lostness, but at the side of your Savior, who will bring you home to the Father. So be it.
Renounce earthly goods! Only in this way will you know the heavenly ones. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥