Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Everything will roll over!
- Message No. 717 -

My child. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: Your light, which you carry within you, must shine now, because the machinations of evil are already taking over, and whoever does not let his light, placed in you by the Father, shine, will lose the way to eternity!
He will go astray and his way will lead him to the devil, but he will realize this only too late! He will fall into fear and/or euphoria, because what now comes up to you are the last measures of the devil to seize the world domination completely!
The seals are beginning to open, for the Father will not stand idly by and watch what is happening in your world. The ultimate battle will be fought, but by then your world will be in catastrophic condition!
Your only chance, your salvation from "the swamp" that now threatens to break loose, is Jesus, your Holy Redeemer! With HIM you will survive this oh so horrible time, but without HIM you will be lost!
My children. The details of this now coming time, I will spare you today, because for you it is important to know that you must PRAY(!!)!
Your prayer is your weapon in these last days of your earthly existence, so use it and pray, as WE ask you again and again! And prepare yourselves for the end of the end, because everything will roll over, and your perhaps today still oh so peaceful world will soon turn upside down!
Whoever is prepared and trusts completely in Jesus, My Son, will not perish even now, for his faith, trust, devotion and prayer will preserve him. Amen. So be it.
In deep, motherly love and with a pleading voice I call to you: Convert now, so that you do not perish miserably! Listen to My call and give your YES to Jesus, because your YES is the first step. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
"My love for you is infinite, and My Mother's heart aches so much to see how many of you have not yet found your way to My Son.
Turn around and convert! Jesus is your way!
Source: ➥