Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 28, 2014
I guide you until the end of these days!
- Message No. 762 -

My child. My dear child. Sit down and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, have to say to the children of the earth today: Break out, My children, from all the appearances of your world, for it is the devil's appearances that keep the truth from you and blind you with "beauty," with "glamour," with glitter and appearances!
He deceives you, and he "kidnaps" you, because he takes you away from the Divine Way -your way to eternity at the Father's side- to rob and steal you for his hell, where he will torment you for all eternity, without you ever seeing the Father's light again!
My children. Remove yourselves! Turn back, i.e. turn back!!, and do not run after appearances and deceit, because: This world is deceitful, and the devil tempts you in your weaknesses, and since beauty, "purity" and "uncorruptedness" are so pleasing to you, he uses them for his purposes: to seduce, steal and capture you, in which he holds all this out to you, and you do not realize how far you are from true beauty, true purity and true uncorruptedness!
Children, be warned, for you shall not reach for all these things, but you shall BE them!
My children. Prepare yourselves to come before the Father, then you will become aware of what true beauty, purity and uncorruptedness are! You will not find them on the outside, nor will you be able to buy them: They lie within you, and from within you they will radiate outward!
So let go of all the temptations of the devil and do not offend those who embody all this! You are offending innocent people and corrupting them in the most brutal way!
My children. Unleash the beauty that God has given you and purify your mind, heart and soul! Do not pollute yourselves further with devilish sin and desist from your earthly "wastes"!
All God's children are taken care of, here as well as in the New Kingdom, but since the devil controls most of you, there is so much suffering and strife in your world.
Let the Father take care of you and live as HE intended! Keep to HIS Holy Word and live by HIS commandments and the teachings of Jesus.
I love you, My beloved flock of children, and I guide you until the end of these days.
With My mantle of protection I cover you, and I bless you. With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥