Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 29, 2014
In the glory of this so wonderful feast!
- Message No. 763 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the world today: You must find your way to Jesus in order not to be lost to the wicked and to "live" this last time with peace in your heart, because what is coming will be difficult and unjust, but the one who is with Jesus will not lose his peace!
My children. Take advantage of this Christmas and come very close to Jesus! His Holy Angels and HE are among you, but you must be ready to receive them! You must give your YES to Jesus and trust in Him completely.
At His birth, all the Holy Angels of the Father were present. Some could see them, others could guess, but most of them saw only Jesus and Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven, with Joseph and the animals. Born in a stable HE became Savior of the world. Son of God and still man at the same time. Died on the cross for all of you to redeem YOUR sins and to pave the way to the Father for YOU.
My children. Receive Jesus worthy and pure from sin. Confess, atone, repent, for My Son, your Savior, has been born to you, and this feast you soon celebrate. Take advantage of this time, which is holy, and go into deep prayer. So many graces are given to you, but you must be ready for them. The angels of the Father are ready, and with love and blessings they shower you, for the Father told them to, but only those who are pure and worthy.
My children. Let yourselves be blessed with these glorious graces in this glorious time. It is unique, your Christmas time, because the Lord has been born to you. So receive Him worthily and with love in your heart, because only the one who celebrates Christmas in love will experience the glory and splendor of the Lord. He will be exalted in the heart that will rejoice and exult, and he will be happy and touched, "enchanted" (as you call it) by and in the glory of this so wonderful feast.
My children. Confess Jesus, and all will be well! All your worries disappear, and the burdens you have to carry become light.
My children. Jesus is your way to eternity, so run to Him and let yourself fall into His healing arms. All wounds HE will heal you, and peace will return to you.
My children. You will be joyful and happy, light and full of joy, because the love with which My Son will give you is unique and fulfilling! It is Divine, because My Son is Divine. Amen.
In deep love I bless you and wish you to celebrate this feast in intimate love and deep joy for My Son.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥