Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 12, 2015
It is given to Me the power to crush the serpent's head!
- Message No. 878 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children today: Let your light shine, for soon darkness will come and spread in all the hearts that have not found My Son. So, beloved children, convert and run to My Son who is waiting for you full of love.
Wait no longer, My children, because soon the time of preparation will be over, and whoever has not found to Jesus will not be able to "bear" His light, because it is so pure and so darkens his soul, that he will prefer the darkness to the Divine light, only not to bear the pain of purification!
My children. Prepare yourselves, for when darkness creeps into your soul, your suffering will be great -here, as in eternity.
So now find your way to My Son, unite with HIM and FIX yourselves in HIM, so that you will not be lost and your light can shine for eternity. Amen. So be it.
I, your beloved Mother am with you, guiding you and protecting you, for it is given to Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven, the power to crush the serpent's head, and this I will do.
Hold on, beloved remnant army, for soon the time will come, and eternal happiness, everlasting peace and indescribable fulfillment will be the fruits you reap.
Hold on and remain faithful to Jesus. With HIM you will find salvation. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Soon it will be accomplished, My children. Hold on. I, your Jesus, stand ready with the Heavenly Hosts of My Father's angels. Amen. Hang in there and remain faithful to Me. Amen."
--- "No child who is faithful to Jesus will be lost. This We promise. Amen." God the Father with His angels and Our Lady.
Source: ➥