Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 13, 2015 that your world events do not escalate!
- Message No. 880 -

"My child. My dear child. Your world will come to an end, but the children of the earth do not see it!" Bonaventure --- My child. My second crucifixion is being carried out, and your world is about to end.
By all means and in all ways, points of contention are being created to cause you, My beloved flock of children, to be in turmoil and displeasure, and thus the evil one is stirring up hatred among My beloved children which will end in strife, destruction and war and will give power to the Antichrist - the son of My adversary - which he will use to enter the world stage to deceive you ALL and thus have an easy game with My beloved children!
Children, keep calm, and DO NOT BE PROVOCED! Pray and remain peaceful!
In prayer you will find strength and come closer to Me, your Christ who loves you so much, and I will strengthen you and endow you with courage and perseverance, but you must pray, My children, so that your world events do not escalate, wars are established and stopped, and discontent does not turn into hatred, because that only plays into the hands of the devil, and your suffering would become more and more!
My children. Stay in peace and pray! Fight back, BUT PEACEFULLY! Set signs, but always remain in love for Me!
You shall be exploited and beaten, deprived of your rights and existences! Stay in peace, My children, because everything you will achieve otherwise, without peace and love in your heart, would only pull you deeper into the swamp of the devil!
Don't let yourselves be exploited and sold for "stupid" and don't let "one" "bleed you" and deprive you of your rights. Peacefully set one or more signs and stay in prayer! Your prayer is strong, it is powerful and it changes! Your prayer is your armor in this time of the end, and he who prays will find salvation! So pray, My children, and rise peacefully.
If you no longer have Me, My children, then you are truly lost! So pray to Me and ask Me. My Father and I hear every prayer.
Turn away from the worldly, that is, do not fall into and remain in the earthly, because this way leads you to the devil, but not to Me, My children.
So pray now for peace in your countries and pray for peace in your world! Do not let yourselves be overrun by "false" charity, by the lies of the devil for "a better world." This one seeks your destruction and your enslavement for eternity.
So do not fall for this last move and confess Me, My beloved children. I AM the love, the light and the eternity. I AM the way to the Father and to the Kingdom of Heaven!
Turn back, My beloved children, and confess Me, because only with Me you will find salvation, but without Me you will perish. Amen. So be it.
I love you. Open yourselves and give Me your YES. Amen.
Your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty and Savior of the world. Amen.
I am suffering. The end is near. Soon it will be accomplished. Take courage, for the New Kingdom is given to you who truly love Me. Amen. Your Jesus, who loves you so much.
Source: ➥